Six Hundred Minutes
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Moments so dear
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Six Hundred Minutes
How Do You Measure
Measure A Year?
In Daylights
In Sunsets
In Midnights
In Cups Of Coffee
In Inches
In Miles
In Laughter
In Strife
In - Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Six Hundred Minutes
How Do You Measure
A Year In The Life?
How About Love?
How About Love?
How About Love?
Measure In Love
Seasons of Love.
Seasons of Love.
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Six Hundred Minutes
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Journeys To Plan
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Six Hundred Minutes
How Do You Measure The Life
Of A Woman Or A Man
In Truth That She Learned
Or In Times That He Cried
In Bridges He Burned
Or The Way That She Died
It's Time Now - To Sing Out
Though The Story Never Ends
Let's Celebrate
Remember A Year In The Life Of Friends
Oh you got to you got to remember the love,
You know that love is a gift from up above
Share love, give love, spread love
Measure, measure your life in love.
So here I sit at the closing of another year. A year that topped last year and a year above all years I've lived thus far. What a fulfilling ride it has been. The ups, the downs, and the crazy turns along the way. If I could re-live a year, 2008 would be it. I'd replay it over and over until I became absolutely sick of it. But how do you become sick of a year that almost reached perfection? With its downs came its even better ups. One door closed and a window opened. This year has taught me the most I've ever known.
I've learned that sometimes not everyone is as innocent as they seem.
I've learned that boys come and go but friends last forever.
I've learned that sometimes people make decisions on a whim to, in some form, prove themselves to the world.
I've learned that time is precious and what isn't enjoyed today, is gone tomorrow.
I've learned what its like to lose someone and not be able to say goodbye.
I've learned that goodbye isn't always the end.
I've learned that no matter how different we all are, each of us is still human.
I've learned that every culture brings something unique to the world.
I've learned how easily negativity is spread.
I've learned the feeling of truly helping someone selflessly.
I've learned how some people will just never be pleased.
I've learned what it's like to end a chapter of your life and start a new one.
I've learned how scary it is out there.
I've learned that lonlieness is only as lonely as you make it.
I've learned everyone is just looking for a friend.
I've learned that fate has a funny way of working itself out.
I've learned that FINALLY America has seen the light.
I've learned that thankfully a change is coming.
I've learned not to take myself too serious.
I've learned how to make work formal and fun.
Above all, I've learned that life is about the moments.
The moments that take your breath away.
The day you start a new job.
The day you fall for the new guy at work.
The day your best friend loses their mother.
The day you graduate.
The day you say goodbye to your best friends.
The day you make new ones.
The day you bridge the gap between those you care about.
The day you travel the world.
The day you swore you met the man of your dreams.
The day you weren't there to see your sister one more time.
The day you finally saw the family you've missed.
The day you fear change.
The day you conquer that fear.
The day you realize that growing up is taken one step at a time.
The day you help your best friend through a pregnancy.
The day you lose recognition of your grandfather.
The day you'll always remember as a stepstone in history.
2008 will always hold a special meaning in my heart. It was the year of change.
I changed.
The people around me changed.
Even America changed.
I graduated.
Bought a new car.
Raised $5000 for charity.
Traveled across the world.
Became closer than ever with all my best friends.
Started college.
Hell, made it through my first quarter with a better GPA than high school!
Met David Cook four times :)
Voted for a woman to be president.
Voted for an African American as well.
Then that man won and will forever change history.
And in 2008 I managed to remain happy through all the bullshit.
Christmas sealed the deal for me, it completed my year. The year of tears and cheers! It was only at Christmas that I realized the happiness of it all. Christmas Eve was spent with my grandpa in the nursing home. Christmas Day was spent at my Nana's. I got to speak to my cousin Wendy who lives in FL and we heard from my Aunt who is atm in Arizona.
No matter where you are, family is always in your heart. It's not about how Christmas LOOKS, it's about how Christmas FEELS. It's just too bad that feeling can't be felt year round.
Sometimes fate shows its face in the craziest of times. It throws you a curve and makes you stop and think. Reflect and realize. Sometimes fate is what brings us together and sometimes it's fate that tears us apart.
2009 holds no promises like 2008 did. I was ready for 2008, I knew what to expect. I'm not ready for 2009 and I don't know what to expect. Will it be better than 2008? Will dreams come true? just know.
My year in pictures. Most recent to oldest: