Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I love you more than I can ever promise

I’d like you to see
The way you’re changing me
I walk for miles
With you on my mind
It’s easy to see
How lovely you’ve come to be
You bloom with a smile
That lights up your eyes
‘Cause I swear that you don’t know it
What you do...
I adore those lyrics. One person comes to mind every time I read them. The lyrics come from a guy named Daniel Ghattas, he added me on myspace and his music is great. He sent me a message about how he admires David Cook and it just simply made my day.

But that was like 2 weeks ago, wanna know what made my day today? Well at work Madonna and I had this little joke going and so I left her a little something on the computer last night for her to find this morning when she came in to work and well, she repaid me :)

I'm closing everything up tonight and I go to close the internet and it says "Do you want to close all tabs?" and I'm thinking, "all tabs? The only thing open was our work email?!" So I click cancel and when I go up to the tabs it's opened on David Cook's website. I immediately text Madonna and I'm like, "Excuse me ma'am, were you on David Cook's website? You have your own David, this one's mine" and she texts me back and goes, "I thought you'd like the countdown to his new CD coming out!"

Totally MADE.MY.DAY. :) I love my job. I know I say it all the time but I freaking mean it. I think the reason I like work so much is because I don't take it too serious. I take the job tasks seriously but....I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't take MYSELF that serious. I'm always joking and making remarks to make people laugh and smile. Hell, I don't even take school that serious. It's like for me, I do the work because I'm SUPPOSED to and when I receive good grades or positive feedback from my boss it justifys it all. I'm not saying that I think life is one big joke, because it certainly is not, I just feel like laughing is medicine. And if I can make people do that then my days work is done. The only thing I take serious is making others happy :)

Work is work and I love it. School is school and I love it. Life is life and I love it. But making others happy? I LIVE FOR IT.

My mom told me I need to do something different with my hair again, haha. I think I'm going to get a new cut and maybe some color. I have this big huge thing I want to do with my hair but I want to wait until spring. I adore my long hair and want to keep it through the winter. I guess that just gave away part of my hair plans ;) but I'm thinking of maybe some bangs or something and maybe dye it black or something crazy haha. Just a little funkyness to get me through the winter...purple highlights would be neat *ponders*

Once again with not taking myself too serious. Purple hair, really? Yes...really haha, don't doubt me, it only makes me work harder.

I have another paper to write. This will make 3 just this week. Does somebody smell finals coming? LOL. I have 2 for my hospitality class [one was easy peezy] I did an essay for English that I ended up hating. Idk how many times I used the backspace on that one. And this one is all about my career future. Should be pretty easy but this one is the longest out of them all. 4-6 pages I believe?

Oh and because I want to brag and because I know some of my family reads this and I haven't told them, on my first essay for English I turned in she responded with "You are one of the strongest writers in my class. Very well written." And then on this last essay she said, "Rachel, I believe you are the best writer out of all 3 of my online classes."

YAYYYYYYYYYYY. I'm gonna be a writer grandma :) my grandma thinks I should be an author and a public speaker. I've strongly considered both so don't hold your breath too long grandma, you might just get to see that happen!

So future plans as of now?
-Be an empowering public speaker [I'll pick a subject later]
-Write a book
-Travel the world
-Live happily ever after with my prince charming

THE END. xoxo<33

They look like their mama *nods*


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think this is the blog I read on but couldn't comment...

Anyhow, purple hair sounds like the shit. Yes, please... please have purple hair. LOL

Those pics are priceless and I love them.
