Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I'm back like I forgot something

If I were a boy, even just for a day
I’d roll outta bed in the morning, and throw on what I wanted then go
Drink beer with the guys, and chase after girls
I’d kick it with who I wanted and I’d never get confronted for it
Cause they’d stick up for me.

If I were a boy I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl I swear I’d be a better man.
I’d listen to her cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted cause he’s taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

If I were a boy I could turn off my phone
Tell evveryone it’s broken so they’d think that I was sleepin’ alone
I’d put myself first and make the rules as I go
Cause I know that she’d be faithful waitin’ for me to come home

It’s a little too late for you to come back
Say its just a mistake think I’d forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you, you thought wrong

But you’re just a boy, you don’t understand
How it feels to love a girl someday you wish you were a better man
You don’t listen to her, you don’t care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted cause you’ve taken her for granted
And everything you have got destroyed, but you’re just a boy...


Damn it I love that song! Not too much to report on my end I don't suppose. Last week was the week of best friends though it seems! Poor Liv broke her knee :( so I went over to her place and chilled for a while. I think Beth and I went to Starbucks like 3 times last week, and that might just be a record! Ooh and we went shoe shopping which is always a good time ;) Angela and Kayla were both home for the weekend so I got to see them! I got to see Miss KMW on my birthday! Her and Brad bought me Starbucks, it was awesome possum.

*thinks* holy crap, I had Starbucks 4-5 times last week...wow, addict much? Haha.

School is going incredible! I got a B+ on my last math test, an A+ on my last Hospitality test, a B+ on my last Geography test, and today my English professor emailed me and I got a 99% on my last essay. She goes, "That was a GREAT essay. One of the best in the class." I almost peed on the floor lmao, I am so happy with school FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE. I mean, I never cared to do my homework in jr high and h/s and I was always slacking off and skipping school, but now I do ALL my homework in a timely fashion, I'm acing my tests, and I haven't missed a day! Such a huge difference from the past.

Oh good news! MY SISTER IS COMING HOME!!!! Not permanently, but for a week after Christmas!!! The 27th is what she's guessing. Aww I can't wait. I didn't know it was possible to miss someone as much as I miss her.

This weekend...it's on like Donkey Kong haha. Friday and Saturday are going to be the bestest evaarrrrr! YAY!

So 2 weeks from today we vote for the next pres! I am stokedddddd. This could be one of the most important elections in decades, one to go down in the history books. Everyone is saying it's going to be tight until the end, but personally I'd love to see Obama win by a LANDSLIDE *crosses fingers* Obama 08!! YAY! I seriously love the guy more everytime I hear him talk. He straight up knows what he's talking about...let's just hope whoever gets it holds up their end. Promises promises!

My birthday went fantabulous. I guess I should've said that in the beginning haha, oh well, either way it did! I am so blessed to be surrounded by the people I am, I love each and every one of you and want to say thanks for making my day special :) y'all are the bestest!

That's all for now...figured I should update this. Poor blog has been neglected :( until next time!

Yay for fedoras! I just bought one last week for my birthday weekend :)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oooh, look at the DC. Yum. He looks good.

Did you ever see that episode of Family Guy where Peter transforms into Britney to get into the dressing room of NSYNC to steal Justin's hair??? Funny ass shit.

I wish I could go to Starbucks that much. Ooooh.

Yay for your sister!! I'll be that you're really happy!

