Thursday, November 20, 2008

Caution: Handle with care

You say you got to go and find yourself, you say that you're becoming someone else
Don't recognize the face in the mirror looking back at you

You say you're leaving as you look away, I know there's really nothing left to say
Just know I'm here whenever you need me, I will wait for you

So I let you go I set you free, and when you've seen what you need to see
When you find you, come back to me

Take your time I won't go anywhere, I picture you with the wind in your hair
I'll keep your things right where you left them, I'll be here for you

I'll let you go, I'll set your free and when you've seen what you need to see
When you find you, come back to me

I hope you find everything that you need, I'll be right here waiting to see
You find you, come back to me

I can't get close if you're not there, I can't get inside if there's no soul there
I can't face you, I can't save you, it's something you have to do


Good week/bad week haha.

Bad week because: I caught the flu :( actually called in sick at work. First time in 11 months! During class Tuesday morning I got extremely sick to my stomach and broke out in a sweat. Then I went to the mall with Ash later that night and barely got through it haha. I was thisclose to passing out in Macy's.

I slept alllllllllllllllll day Wednesday. Ok, not all day since I watched Sister Sister, Sabrina, and Full House lmao! Yeahhhhh. Grandma brought me over some sick goodies since I'm a big baby when I'm sick.

Today I had to got to school for ONE class! I had a damn math test and since Tuesday is the end of Fall Qtr I would have no time to make it up, therefore, I sucked it up and went in. Ray was like, "thanks for bringing in your germs, too!" haha whatever, I'm not failing. After class I went to grandma's :) again, with the big baby thing ;)

Butttttt I work tomorrow and Saturday so I have to suck my lip back in, grin, and bare it. OSU/MICHIGAN GAME IS SATURDAY!!!!!!! The game of all games <333 go Bucks!!!

So good week because: I BOUGHT [2] COPIES OF DAVID'S NEW ALBUM!!!! It's sensational.

Bar-ba-sol= my new favorite rock song, holy sex on a stick.
Heroes= about his family, has my heart! Love that the whole band sings on the chorus
Declaration= lovelovelove this song
Come Back To Me= his voice is to die for on this song
Kiss on the Neck= about had me on my knees begging HAHA, yummy!
Permanent= my favorite. so very personal and I've cried every time I've listened to it
I love all the others too but as of right now, those are standing out [aka stuck in my head]

Also, I bought a ticket to see him perform at the Jingle Ball in Columbus on December 11!!! It's general admission/floor only so I'm hoping if I go early enough, I'll get front row :) I'm freaking stoked to see him again. That makes 4 times in 6

That's about all I can think of atm....GO BUCKEYES!!!!! But I have no doubts...we've won, what? The past SIX years? kthanks.




Gemma said...

i LOVE those lyrics.. love them.

im sorry you're sick :( i hope u get better soon, having someone to go to for sympathy is the best feeling haha. i totally suck at being pathetic! well done making it to your class tho chica :)

(i use to watch sister sister and sabrina religiously, and i was 21 LOL)

hope u make front row! ur cute when you talk about DC, i can tell your eyes sparkle and you have a huge smile on your face whenever you write about him :D have a FAB time!!

love u x x x

Unknown said...

I love DC. He's the you knew this.

That sick day sounded like a lot of fun, actually.

Can't wait to hear about the DC show. Love you.
