Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Somewhere along the line, I must've gone off track with you.
Well, excuse me, guess I've mistaken you for somebody else,
Somebody who gave a damn,
Somebody more like myself.


Life has been fan-freaking-tabulous since last time. We left off on a Tuesday...I don't think anything major happened until that weekend. Friday night I chaperoned a sleepover at Natalie's church. We went and saw High School Musical 3...yeah yeah, they were all like 16 and under so what are you gonna do?! Haha, the movie was oober cheesy as I expected but the way they ended it was perfect, and actually gave me chills because it just worked and was such a smart move on the director's part. We stayed up all night at the church haha. We were blaring the music, playing games, eating spoonfuls of cinnamon, and put on a goofy play :) twas a lot of fun. The last time I looked at the clock it was 452am and Natalie woke me up at 714am...oh myyyyyyy. I went home and slept all day only to go back out that night and do it all over. Me and my girls went to dinner at Bar Louie down at Newport on the Levy, it was so pretty and the food waaas delish. Then we went to Metropolis. Let's talk about classy guys *rolls eyes* or let's not and say we did...gross gross gross. Next time I'm taking a guy with me so I won't have to worry :) then we went back to the hotel and as the saying goes "the rest is history" :-P

This week has been just great! School and work are still going awesome. I cannot wait until we move into our new building at work, it's gonna look so purdy!!! So Tuesday night my nana had her neice from England staying with her and we all went out to dinner. She is the coolest person ever. She's been to Australia, South Africa, Asia, and many places in between. She's awesome possum in my book. She's living in a 5 bedroom house by herself and she invited me to come stay with her. She was serious too, she wants me to come next summer for at least 2 weeks. She's going to show me all the ins and outs of England! She goes, "you come up with an itenerary and I'll make it happen." I love her! It most likely won't be next summer, but now that I have a definite place to stay, I'll be going!!

Last night grandma and I went out to dinner and then shopping. I got lots of cute stuffs! YAY, I love fall/winter! I love when grandma and I have "girls night out." She has coupons for Olive Garden so she wants to do that next. She was like "we'll do the dinner part again but not the shopping part." Hahaha, oops.

Plans for the weekend? BUSY. AGAIN. Just the way I like it. Tomorrow I'm going to dinner with Akemi. Saturday I'm going to the club for their costume party with Mary Alice, Kayla, and Michael. Then Sunday is dinner and movie with Olivia :)

I'm battling a cold/the flu now so hopefully I can keep my immune system energized this weekend and just go go go!

Life's good man...hope yours is too, love you!

Winston was an old woman for Halloween :) he LOVED his costume, let me tell ya:

Happy birthday to meeeeeeeeeeee with the best and most reliable friends EVER:

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