Saturday, November 1, 2008

I'm right right, and you're wrong left

Has our conscience shown? Has the sweet breeze blown? Has all the kindness gone?
Hope still lingers on.
I drink myself of newfound pity, sitting alone in New York City and I don't know why.

Are we listening, to hymns of offering?
Have we eyes to see, that love is gathering?
All the words that I've been reading
Have now started the act of bleeding into one.

So I walk up on high and I step to the edge
To see my world below.
And I laugh at myself as the tears roll down.
'Cause it's the world I know. It's the world I know.

So yay for Halloween!!!! It's my 3rd favorite holiday. 1=my bday 2=Christmas [as if you couldnt assume]

Yesterday we all dressed up at work. Tami was a pirate, Madonna was a witch, and I was a cowgirl since my actual costume isn't work appropriate *gasps* we all went out to lunch and got some typical stares haha, but we weren't the only ones dressed up which was even funnier! After lunch Tami and I went to Caribou and had coffee, it was so yum, practically as good if not better than Starbucks *gasps again*

Last night after work [and I after I changed haha] I went out to dinner with Akemi. She's one of my new bffs. Her and Mary Alice are 2 of the coolest chicks I've meet in college. I love Delequan too, he's awesome possum and so friggen smart! Anywho, we went to Chipotle, haha yummy. Then we walked around Wal-Mart because there was nothing else to do. I love that girl, she really opened up to me last night. Last week she got me a birthday present and wrote me the nicest card EVAR, for someone I just met, she's already affected me. Anyhow, she's from Tawaiian and has only lived in the US for 3 years. She's the only one living here from her family. I can't imagine what that must feel like, to be in a new country all by yourself. I'm going to show her around though! We have plans to go to NYC and LA since she really wants to go to both. I think she wanted to go to Chicago too, or some other town that I forget.

Mary Alice is hilarious. All we do is draw funny cartoons and tell jokes. She's super smart too so it's nice to have an intelluctual conversation with her. Delequan is just as smart. He actually appreciates some of the same things I do, which surprised me, so him and I have great conversations as well!

There's just so many awesome people in my classes. I love Crystal, Tammy, Early, Clint, Heather, Christa, Laura, and oh my professors as well! :) Derek and Tonya are the best teachers everrrrrrr and I can't wait to have classes with them again.

Trick or treat waas great, so many cute kids! Tonight is going to be amazing. Going to a costume party/contest with Kayla, Akemi, Michael, and maybe Mary Alice. I CAN'T WAIT TO DRESS UP AND DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY!!!!!!! I love this weekend :)

I think that's all for now...I should come baring pictures tomorrow or Monday, depending. GOOD LUCK COOKIE BABY ON SNL! REMEMBER TO TIE YOUR SHOES! :)

David Cook on performing- "I’m going to make sure my shoelaces are tied so I don’t trip and fall on the floor! I'm really nervous."

Give me something worth living for:



Gemma said...

yay! that was a happy blog! im stoked you get on with your new freinds, thats awesome. send me a few? haha..

have fun at the partay!!

give your freind from Tawaiian a HUGE pat on the back. id NEVER be able to go to another country without family near me. she sounds so brave. shes lucky to have you!!

loves ya x x x

Unknown said...

WOO!! Those are some hot ass pics... I totally missed him on SNL. Was he awesome? I'll youtube it.

I need to see pics of your costume from Halloween!! yes yes.
