Tuesday, September 16, 2008

We will still be friends forever

You can run into my arms
It's okay don't be alarmed
Come into me
There's no distance in between our love
So go on and let the rain pour
I'll be all you need and more

Because when the sun shines, we’ll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be your friend
Took an oath I'ma stick it out till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella

This is fabulous. Living without power, I mean. Hurricane Ike slammed Texas around 3am Sunday morning and around 2pm Sunday afternoon we lost power. And we still don't have it back.

I can't even tell you what is going on in Texas, I haven't heard because we can't watch the news. Rumor has it that there are thousands dead and that Houston was practically wiped off the map. That is terrible :( My thoughts and prayers are with all those families who fell victim to the devastation.

They've called a state-wide emergency here in Ohio. Anyone looked at a map before? Notice where Ohio is from Texas? HELLO. If we got hit hard, I cannot even begin to fathom what those poor people experienced.

I guess I'll map it out for you...Saturday night was pretty windy. I mean, I wasn't worried about it or anything because wind is wind. Well I wake up Sunday around noon and it sounds like the house is falling apart. I freak out and run downstairs and Judy's like "its just really windy." It was practically black outside [in the middle of the afternoon I remind you] and theres shit blowing all over. I let it go and got a shower and started playing on the computer. At about 145 everything goes black. I'm like "uh I think we just lost power?!"

So I leave and go to the hospital since my grandpa is there and on the way, there are trees blocking streets, people are out in the road picking stuff up, traffic and street lights are broken on the ground and I'm just thinking "wtf happened?"

It looked like a tornado had come through. So I drive through town and NOTHING is open. There isn't a soul at any of the restaraunts, grocery stores, gas stations, no where! I get to the hospital and their back-up generator is out! All the patients rooms are dark and the nurses are panicing. We were sitting in my grandpas room and watched 2 huge trees snap right in half. I wish you could've seen it. These huge trees snapping in half! This one tree completely pulled down a whole line of wires. There are wires down everywhere though. Trees fell on peoples houses, electrical lines fell on peoples houses, traffic lights fell on peoples cars...I mean we are talking an outright EMERGENCY situation here! They said that the winds got up to 75mph. They have declared Ohio in a state of emergency. There are 1.2 million people in the state WITHOUT power. The county we live in still has 200,000 people without power.

We have been living in the dark since 2pm Sunday. My mom has been going into the hospital to shower and get ready for work. I haven't had school since they don't have power as well and I've been going to the hospital to use up their wireless and to charge my phone and laptop.

It's insane. And look how far we are from Texas?! Those poor people :( I shouldn't even have a right to complain considering what they're going through. Bless them all...

On to other news :( my best friend moves to college Friday. I've cried 4 times in the past week and I cried for an hour straight last night.

You don't understand...this girl is MY LIFE. We've been friends since were 3 years old and our mom's were friends in high school. She moved in next door when we were in 4th grade. We've always gone to the same school, I mean, we've just always been inseperable. We've spent EVERY summer together and every holiday together. She has been more of a sister to me than either of my own.

Every single person in my life has let me down at some point in time. Therefore, my trust has been broken with every single relationship I've shared. EXCEPT Kayla and I. She has NEVER done anything to break my trust. Seriously, I've sat and thought about it on purpose for HOURS trying to come up with something this girl has done to break my trust.

Nothing...15 years and I still trust her 100%. Granted we were 3 when we met, so of course I trusted her then, but at 18 years old and 15 years later, that girl has never let me down.

You know what happens when I call her or text her at 3 o'clock in the morning? SHE ANSWERS ME. You know what everyone else does? They answer me when they wake up, or when its CONVENIENT for them. There is never an inconvenient time with Kayla.

Oh God the things that girl knows...Oh my my my. If it could've been done, we did it together.

She is my life, my everything, my best friend, my confidant, the cheese to my macaroni, the jelly to my peanut butter, the frick to my frack, my partner in crime, my better half, the Bert to my Ernie [ok that wasn't the BEST example] but all in all, she's the sister I never had but deserved...

God has blessed me with the world's best friend. We made a promise back when we were 14 that we would spend our lives together, that our kids would call eachother "Aunt Kayla and Aunt Rachel," and then we'd share the same nursing home room when we're 100 years old. We often remark that if we can't find decent men who love us unconditionally and are romantic like the men in the movies, then we'll just live together and watch sappy love movies every night with a tub of ice cream and a bag of popcorn :) She's the only person I've ever met that is as big of a sap for love as I am, and we're both scared shitless that that kind of love doesn't exist anymore haha.

I'm going to miss her more than any words could ever sum up, but I know this isn't the end...because I know this friendship will never end.

I love MY Sparky.

:( and I believe that's all I have to say...


My grandpa gave me his old room and my grandma remodeled it while I was gone :)


Unknown said...

:-( I'm sorry...

and I'm sorry that Kayla is moving...

and I'm sorry your town is a disaster...

This was depressing.

Gemma said...

as another chapter of your life closes, another one opens, and with it you take your nearest and dearest, no matter how near or far you will be never be apart. Thats the beauty of life. No matter where your going to be, or which path your gonna walk down, the ones we love will always hold our hands along the way. and make the journey all the worth while.
