Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It may be rainin', but there's a rainbow above you.

Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I don't wanna ever love another
You'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
And listen to the thunder

Today is a winding road
Tell me where to start and tell me something I don't know
Today I'm on my own

I fear, my friends, that we might get evacuated.

Hannah announced her entrance today. That was the coolest thing I've seen in a while though. We were sitting here getting ready to go lay out in the sun when it got really dark above the ocean. My dad was like "as a previous sailor, I do believe its getting ready to storm." Sure enough, about 10 mins later here she came. I went outside and took pictures and videos. The wind was blowing like crazy and the waves were crashing; the biggest waves I've seen here in years. There were whitecaps as far as you could see, it was absolutely crazy and the water was coming all the way up to the deck. Right now the wind is blowing around 25mph and its practically raining sideways. They're estimating Hannah's arrival to be late Thursday, early Friday. Umm, we don't leave til Saturday.

After dinner tonight we're going to buy water and gas. The last time we were evacuated was when I was 7 years old.

I'm sitting by the door typing this and now the sun is trying to come out. It looks like the clouds are breaking but its still pouring. Maybe a rainbow? I hope it clears up because I'd like to tan a little more and also, I'm not too fond on having to fly back home Thursday because we get evacuated. We'll see right?

So I believe I'm getting sick. I know why...because when we went out to Phoenix, everything is so hot and dry and its actually really good weather for your health. Everyone that was from that area said "you'll probably get sick when you go to FL." Gee thanks, we're sick. Now we're in hot weather and high humidity. Everything's wet and its confusing my body haha. I currently have a stuffy nose, a disgusting cough, and a small sore throat. YAY ME!!! Whatever. I had a cold for the entire month of February, so I'll live.

Idk what to type about. I had something else I wanted to say but I lost it...did you know 1/3 of Americans have genital herpes? What a lovely commercial...these people act so happy to have had herpes and now to be without it. I'm not sure if I'd want to make my acting apperance in a genital herpes commercial, but that's just me and I suppose SOMEONE has to do the job haha.

Yay, I typed the rain away! Its barely sprinkling now and there's blue in the sky!! I love how none of you care about this. I wish you were here to see it though, its pretty friggen cool. This just became a pointless blog. I'm going to go upload my Phoenix pics. I'll post some links laterrrrr.

Love you*

Edit: Yeah round 2. Damn it I hate this stupid tropical storm. We were just hit again! Worse than earlier too. Anyway, I remembered what I wanted to say earlier haha. I always tell you what I've BEEN doing, so for once I'm gonna tell you what I'm GOING to do. *deep breath*

October is going to be an insanely busy month. I might actually forget about my birthday haha. Starting the first week of October I'll pick up another shift and I'll be working 5 days a week at the chiropractor. We've got a lot of changes happening at the company and one person just can't handle everything anymore so I'll now be working evenings Mon-Fri! I'm actually excited, I might be able to afford gas for once LMAO.

And the best news yet...a guy at the hospital has a brother who is a travel agent. Well this brother [Steve] recommended me to this woman. She is teaching a 2 week class in October that will certify me as a travel agent. If I pass everything of course. So basically I could be a certified travel agent by the time I'm 19...wow. If this does happen for me then I'm going to change my major to business. One day down the road I'd love to be a boss at a big company or even own my own agency. My ex-aunt is a big shot agent and I need to get in contact with her and maybe learn some of her mojo haha.

That means that I will be working 5 days a week, going to college 2 days a week, and taking this class everynight for 2 weeks. It'll be the busiest 2 weeks of my life but like my mom said, "you can do ANYTHING for 2 weeks." My fingers are crossed so tight they might break. This could be the opportunity I've always waited for...presented to me by a guy who doesn't even know me. THAT'S HUGE. I'll do anything to do his recommendation justice. I owe him the biggest thank you evarrr.

That's all :) peace out cub scouts*

Thanks for this Jo...there's just something about him and I haven't posted a pic in a while:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oooh, I did a good job on that.

Wow!! 5 days a week!! WOO! Rae's gonna be rolling in the dough. LOL

I've obviously never been in a hurricane, but it doesn't seem like a whole lotta fun. LOL

What's it like? Sounds... windy. LOL
