Saturday, September 13, 2008

As close as the beat of my heart

Love is in the water
Love is in the air
Show me where to go
Tell me will love be there?
Teach me how to speak
Teach me how to share
Teach me where to go
Tell me will love be there?
Oh, Heaven let your light shine down

Shit on a stick, a lot has happened since last time.

Haha, for one, I'm no longer in Florida ;)

I'm gonna try and sum everything up quickly because I don't want this blog to be a year long like the others have been.

Alrighty sooooo....Tuesday was my first day in college! YAY ME! haha it was good. I adore my Intro to Hospitality professor. His name is Derek and he is the perfect way to start my day. He's hilarious and he is 100% there for us whenever we need him. The first day he was like "I want y'all to know that you CAN be number 1. Who was number 1 in the men's swimming in the Olympics?" We all answered Michael Phelps. He goes "who came in 2nd?" And no one knew. He was like "That's exactly my point. You're either going to be number 1 or the number 1 follower."

Wow...I'm more motivated now than ever and he's already inspired me and I've only had class twice!

My math teacher is in his 80's *rolls eyes* he's a really nice guy! I just can't hear him very well haha, suckssssss.

My Geography teacher is a sweetie. She reminds me of Kirstie Alley, its great! I like her a lot. She's already given me some advice and we've talked one on one a few times.

My online English teacher is awesome possum too! She seems really nice so far and the class is really open and comfortable, even if it is online :)

I'm so thankful that I've been blessed with good professors cuz I know not everyone is lucky, so thanks to God, I'm going to love college. I was telling my parents, I don't know why or exactly when I decided to major in Travel and Tourism and decided to be a travel agent, but I can say now that I've gone to school I KNOW that I'm doing the right thing. I feel like I'm right where I belong and that's a rewarding feeling to have <33

Wednesday was a great day :) it was my last chance with the American Idols haha. Only 5 of em' came out to the buses before. I talked to Dave [AI tour dude] for 20 mins or so haha and Ray [one of the other AI tour dudes] winked at me everytime I talked to him? Haha, him and Dave were both super nice tho just like they have been the entire tour! We went into the arena to see if we could pick up our passes early and they were preping everyone with a preshow pass on what to do and so we were walking out and this guy who works for the tour came runnin after us and he goes "you guys wanna go back?" and duhhhh we did. So we got to do preshow!!! WOO. DC wasn't in the greatest of moods. He barely talked to or smiled for anyone. I was heartbroke :( it was my last time with him and he incredibly upset about something :( I just pray that everything was ok...

So the show was good!! David had family there :) We went backstage after the show. We talked to Michael for like 15 mins haha and then we talked to the rest of them just briefly. Umm...DC's grandma came back :) I talked to her and his aunt[? I think thats who she was] and they were incredibly sweet. His grandma called me sweetheart and his aunt called me dear, so I'm practically part of the family now LMFAO. And no, I will not let anyone see her picture, I didn't ask her permission and I don't want to disrespect his family's privacy. We also talked to Jeff Archuleta...we had to say thank you for the backstage passes :) he's a total sweetie and I don't care what the public says about him. Everyone has personal family issues, and if there's problems there, then thats their business you know? But from the 3 times I've talked to Jeff, he's been awesome. I also talked to Archie's neighbor haha, well ok, he talked to me. He was a nice guy, and so was Archie's mom. He's got a great support group. As does DC :) I got home at 4am and got up for school at 7. YEAH. Stick that in your juice box and suck it haha, I still can't believe I survived.

That's my past week in a nutshell. I wasn't in the mood to share ALL my details from the concert and college so this was as good as I could do, hope you approve!!

Thanks for reading, love you alllllllllllllll*

Here's a pic of my signed photo and my 2 passes. I'll have ALL my vacation pics and Idol pics up before the end of the weekend! xoxo


Gemma said...


im so glad college is going good, looks like you got the pick of the crop with your Profs ;)

Sounds like u had a gd time at the AI concert (?) sry david didnt seem himself.. im sure next time u see him he'll be just perfect.. cos u just know there WILL be a next time right ;)

luvs u

Unknown said...

I loveeeeee what your professor said about number one and number two. yes yes yes, so true.

You need to get better at blogging more often, I thinks.


I loveee your pic. Not as much as I love you.
