Friday, September 5, 2008

Got ya tidal waves out on the sea

Two steps removed from everything I thought I knew
There's no remedy
I see your face in every single thing I do
You change me

Your laugh, intoxicating
One touch and I'm negating everything around
Take me and I'm yours
I only want you anymore
I kiss the ground

If you want to know the truth
You make or break my day.
If you want to know the truth
I wouldn't have it any other way.

Its amazing how I feel those EXACT feelings about the artist who wrote dee da dee dee

Today sucks :( Hanna [I misspelled her the other day] is close enough to destroy our last day of weather. I woke up at 747 [bff's address!] to thunder...I look out the door, and sure enough its storming like crazy. I would've stayed up to watch it but I was tiredddd. So then I wake up at, oh idk, 10 something, and the wind is crazy and the waves are coming all the way up to the deck! Damn, I've never seen it like this. I went out and took pics and vids again, haha, cuz I'm cool enough of course! The palm trees were practically bending, the wind was so strong. We've sat here all morning with the door open and now the waves are crashing even closer to the deck. I won't be surprised if our pool floods LMAO. I hope my explanation makes sense so you can understand it better: We're on the first floor. Our room has a sliding door that walks out to the deck. There are stairs to take you from the deck down to the pool area. Then there are more steps that take you down to the beach. Does that make sense? Well, the waves are crashing right next to the stairs. Therefore, if it gets any worse, they'll crash in the pool HAHA. Now that would be something to see. The wind is calm right now but earlier there were 40mph gusts, and dumbass me was out taking videos and pictures hahaha.

Anyway, its hard to describe something to people who aren't here experiencing it with me. You'll just have to wait to see the videos :)

When we got up this morning we turned on the TV to see if Hanna's forecast had changed and what's on? The fucking Republican Convention. Fuck me, right? Haha, sorry, I may be a little biased. Funny thing is, I'm hardcore Democrat, and didn't even watch their convention! I guess I was a little occupied though since we were in Phoenix. So now that the weather has been shitty, we've had the TV on more and instead of talking about the dangerous weather, they're all going over McCain's speech from last night, or whenever it was? Gahh...I'm so ready to just get this political shit over with. I don't need to watch it anymore, I already know who I'm voting for and I knew that way back in Februaury [or whenever it was] after I voted for Hiliary. Maybe I shouldn't have said who I voted for? But then again, I'm not ashamed, so why be afraid? There's a commerical right now that I adore. It goes a little something like, "John McCain voted 90% of the time with Bush" and then it shows him saying he backs Bush's plans and thinks he was a great president. I said it before and I'll say it again, why would you want people to know you clearly support the worst president in history? DOES THAT NOT MAKE SENSE DUMBASS? haha... Unlike McCain's commercials that have NO proof of what they say about Obama, Obama's commercial has a video of him saying it. What more proof do you need?!

And now all these people are like "well Sarah Palin's daughter is having a baby at 17." That's great, lets target the kids. Geeze. Oh and when we were in Phoenix a guy at the airport was like, "Everyone says this Sarah chick has no experience, well neither does Obama! Neither of them are good!" gahhhhh FUCK ME.

Now I'm ranting again...I realize this. I wouldn't be so upset if it wasn't for their speeches last week. Last week at the national convention, McCain came to talk to everyone, on Tuesday[?] I believe...well his whole speech kind of went like this, "my opponent says he'll do this, my opponent supports this, my opponent, my opponent. But I'll do this, this is what I think America needs."

Obama was there through satellite on Wednesday, wanna hear his speech? "America deserves this, change needs to happen, as a nation we need to do this, we need to do that." Oh wait! HE NEVER MENTIONED ANYTHING ABOUT HIS 'OPPONENT.' He talked as if America bands together WE can change our nation. Unlike when McCain talked, bashing Obama more times than I could count, and then saying I'll do this I'll do that, NOT, we'll do this together as a nation.

But people won't vote for Obama because his name sounds like Osama and he's black. So therefore we're going to vote for a candidate who's going to end up like the president we already have.

Fuck politics. No one ever does what's right for the greater good, they only do what they want and what's good for THEM, not the nation. You know how many soldiers are being selfless and fighting for people they don't even know? Yeah, thats you and me! They don't know us, but they're fighting anyway. They don't wanna be, but they are. Why can't Americans do that when they vote? Do what will be best for EVERYONE and not just because someone is black or their vice president's 17 year old daughter is preggo.

I've ranted enough and I'm sure a lot of people disagree with what I have to say. I'm just glad I CAN voice my opinion and have the right to vote. Team Obama, and I'm not ashamed to say so. I believe in change, Obama wants change. I believe in him because he believes in America. What do you believe in?

3 pics o' the day since I have NOTHING better to do :(

I don't need to explain myself anymore:

yesterday after sun bathing:

the world's cutest picture. Little Lindsey, the girl with leukemia that he wears the bracelet for, I love you David:


Unknown said...

Last night at dinner we were talking about DC and Lindsey. :D I told them you sent me that pic and it was adorable. (I didn't tell them what happened AFTER you sent me the pic... please tell me you LOL'd @ that... LOL)

If Obama doesn't win the presidential election, I swear Imma move... I'll get my ass along fine in Canada, or perhaps Mexico. LOL Then again I have an open invitation to stay at Gemma's... I seriously could not live another 4 or 8 years with a George Bush... I have faith that our country will do the right thing and elect the man who deserves this... and let me reiterate - McCain DOES NOT deserve this...

I hate politics.

I love you.


Unknown said...

oh and I totally know what you meant about the pool and all because I've seen pics. ;-)

and you look ADORABLE sunbathing!


Gemma said...

i cant comment on the politic stuff.. i dont know anything about it.

Thats some crazy stuff about the wind and the ocean. Can i see pics? it'd be awesome to see that.

I read about DC and that little girl in a magazine.. its the most cutest thing ever

luvs xxxxx

Unknown said...

*waiting on new bloggg*