Saturday, September 27, 2008

You can have whatever you like

You're gonna be a shining star, fancy clothes, fancy cars
And then you'll see, you're gonna go far
Cause everyone knows, just who you are
So live your life
Instead of chasing that paper
Just live your life
Ain't got no time for no haters
Just live your life
No telling where it'll take you
Just live your life
Cause I'm a paper chaser
Just living my life

So live your life.

So it's been a decent week! School went great as did work. Tonight I hung out with my lovely Bethie! We went and saw Nights in see it! It was beautiful, and I got teary eyed of course ;)

Nicholas Sparks is my favorite author <33

NEWSFLASH* Alright, plan B...or well plan "new." As of today [what is today?] *checks calendar* Saturday September 27, 2008 I officially changed my mind...again.

No wait, not again. Because the original plan I had was always the plan, until now. Instead of LA [I hope my family reads this] I've decided to move to NYC. There's a lot of reasons so I'll name a few.
-Like LA, its a big city with bright lights
-Great nightlife
-Easier to get around [subways, cabs-unlike LA]
-I want to be in NYC at Christmas, how beautiful?
-The ball drops there, I want that to be my backyard :)
-It's still got water and beach for the summer
-It also is overflowing with celebrities
-It's a 12 hour drive or a 2 hour flight home which is hella quicker than Cali :)
-Oh and it has all 4 seasons. YAY. I love fall and winter too much to give it all up for year round warm.

I can ALWAYS change my mind back to LA. I'm thinking, give NYC a few years and then switch it up and move to LA. I was telling my grandma about it and she goes, "I like NYC, it'd be a nice place to live and even if you don't like it you can always move. Plus you're young. Live in NY for a few years then move to LA. You can live wherever you want." She suggested NYC would be better for someone young because you can keep up with the fast pace and deal with the cold weather. She said when I'm older I'm going to want a place that's always warm. Then I'll go to LA.

Oh and and and, [sorry to make this public babe, let me know if you want me to delete] Bethie is starting at Paul Mitchell's college in the spring and she'll be doing hair for fashion week [omfg] and her plans are to move to NYC after she gets her degree. Hello?! Beth and I have been friends since 1st grade, I would be more than grateful to have another familiar face from back home in the big city :) I can just see us now meeting at Starbucks on our lunch breaks *daydreams*

Life in the fast lane :)

I forgotgotgot to mention that I'll be living with the wonderful and beautiful Chloe Olivia Platz [my best, I mean fated friend] and the sensationally awesome Jennifer Irene Gammon! Oh the plans we have *rubs hands together* mwahahahaha

I think that NYC is going to be a better decision. I am a little torn, but I'm almost 100% sure I've changed my mind. Its not that I'm indecisive, its that something told me today that I need to go to NYC. I just got a feeling without explanation, therefore, that's the reasoning behind the sudden change.

I will live in LA...someday. But in 3 years, my new home will be NYC :)

Here is the love quote of the day because I [love] it haha:
"You never lose by loving, you lose by holding back."

True story. Build unbreakable walls and you might just lose out on Mr. Right. That's all. Loveyou*

I leave you with pictures of the city that doesn't sleep:


^^ reminds me of Batman!

^^Central Park in the fall! I want to sip on some Starbucks while sitting on a bench and reading a book on my day off.



^^I love it because the WTC's are in it.


Unknown said...

Loveeeessss it... We're gonna have a ball!! I can't wait!!

Now we just have to find somewhere to live... ahh no pressure, tho, right? LOL

I love you.


Gemma said...

ive never heard of that movie? its new right? we are sooo behind lol damn the UK

i wanna go new york! just for shopping purposes ;)

put one leg in front of the other, and the rest will follow :) where ever you move too, like i said on another comment ;) its an excuse for me to Vacay someday and not have to worry about finding a hotel LOL dont worry, i invite myself to places all the time :)

loves xxx