Thursday, September 18, 2008

This I promise you

I'll be your strength
I'll give you hope
Keeping your faith when it's gone
The one you should call
Was standing here all along

We have electricity! HALELUJIAH! AMEN! haha, we got it back around 5p yesterday. I believe my grandma has yet to get it back, as well as the Dr I work for. SUCKS. It's taking sooooo long to get through everyone, my goodness. No fun at all!

So I gave Kayla her presents last night. We both bawled like babies was sad but nice to share that moment. I have to remind myself that she's only going to be 45 mins away. But losing her to vacation for a week is so much different to losing her to college 45 mins away for 4 yrs. SO TOTALLY DIFFERENT. *sighs* stop thinking about it, haha. I have an 8am date to say goodbye in the morning. I don't do well with goodbyes...I've known Kayla for 15 years, this is gonna be intense [to say the least].

Moving on, I can cry tomorrow...I absolutely LOVE college. Just wanted to throw that out there. If I'm being honest, I was ALWAYS looking for a way out of school before. I enjoyed elementary school but once I hit Jr High I rebelled and decided to hate school haha. Don't get me wrong, I had hundreds of friends who I adored seeing but the work was just bothersome. I've never been big on school. I look back on it NOW and realize how amazing it was, though. I had some awesome teachers and unforgettable memories from every class.

With that being said, I still HATED going to school. I am not a 6am person so often times I preferred skipping school to catch up on sleeping. Of course this affected my grades and so on and so forth.

But college? WHOLE.DIFFERENT.STORY. I never thought I'd say this *chokes* but I actually look forward to going. Huh? Back the truck up...did I just say "I actually look forward to going? TO SCHOOL? Yeah...that's right, I do. I love love love it.

My Hospitality class= I adore my professor! And the people in there are cool, I've made friends with the people I sit around and they range from ages 20-45. I LOVE IT!

My Math class= Hate the subject, teacher isn't too bad, but LOVE the people in there. Today before he got there we had an open discussion, like everyone in the class just started talking?! I loved it! So now when I don't understand something, I feel comfortable asking the people around me for help. This one girl is really cool, we talked for 25mins before class and then during class too haha, idk her name though...gahhh!

My Geography class= MY FAVORITE!!!! I LOVE MY TEACHER AND MY CLASSMATES! We're doing this group project and everyone in my group is so friendly and motivated. I'm ecstatic! We have open discussions daily. Our teacher is a sweetheart and everyone in the class just blends so perfectly together. I seriously believe we ALL get along. I love that class.

My online English class= My professor is a sweetheart. She's amazing at communicating with us and so I definitely don't feel lost like I thought I would be.

Fuck me, I LOVE COLLEGE. The homework really isn't bad. So if I have any high schoolers reading this, don't freak out about college, it isn't as bad as what they tell us in high school.

Thus far, I've enjoyed every minute of attending college. I think I made the PERFECT decision with my major and I already feel more prepared and empowered to face my future than I did a month ago. Can you imagine what I'll feel like in 3 years?

WATCH OUT WORLD! I'm ready to rock and roll haha.

Just wanted to blog, this is all I had to say for now :)

love you*

Speaking of homework, Winston protested last night and decided to LAY ON my books!


Unknown said...

He says "Rae, you be smartd enuff alridy. You luv mee now."

I think that's awesome that you love college... might as well love something you're going to be doing for the next few years... it will sure as hell make it a lot easier.

I'm sooo glad that you have elec back!!! :D Whewww!!! I hope everyone else gets it soon!

I love you!

Gemma said...

im glad ur enjoying college me dear!! sounds like fun fun. can i come? haha

Winston is adorable!!