Saturday, September 20, 2008

A million empty faces

She fell out; her broken legs won’t let her walk away
From this town that couldn’t give a single shit either way
And her fears they bled before she’s convinced that they’re real

What are you looking for?
Are you looking for something more?
It’s not me, it’s not me

Lost her way from everything she swore she knew, a friend
Run away from start to finish though it never ends
In her mind she is blinded by all she sees
Close your eyes just pretend the bullet isn’t there
No surprise no need to pretend that no one really cares
But in her eyes you will find the very best in me

What are you looking for?
Are you looking for something more?
It’s not me, it’s not me

When did it all unwind?
Are you prepared for what you’ll find?
It’s not me, it’s not me

I cannot WAIT for his new didn't hear it from me but [he'sgotanewsinglecomingoutnextweek]


This was just really random and I wanted to post it so I don't forget it: Last night while I was waiting for my take-out at the chinese place this random guy sitting and waiting for his food, struck up a convo. He goes, "so what'd you get?" and I was like ", lo mein and chicken teriayki, you?" and then he told me and then an ambulance went by and we started talking about how its been a familiar sound lately with all the power outages and people getting hurt. He sat there and talked to me for like 10 mins and then we he got his food and turned to leave he was like "it was nice talking to you, good luck with everything."

Everything? What did he mean? Good luck with life? Wow. How sweet? I was just taken aback because a total stranger wished me good luck with life?! I loved it, he was a nice guy. I wished him the same.

Sometimes I wonder if God throws these people in my path to make me stop and smile. To step back and see the good in life and people.

You should NEVER take more than you give, you know? The love you receive is in direct proportion to the love you give. Gosh, there are so many self centered people around this place anymore. God's plan for us all is to learn to love one another. It seems people are too caught up in loving themselves to show compassion to their fellow man. I'm already a happier person for putting others's a wonderful lesson in life: help somebody when ya can, not because someone else is. Like this lady at the perfume counter dropped the coffee beans all over the floor so I bent down to help her pick them up while others just walked over them and crunched them into tiny pieces.

Its the little things in life. I just thought, "if I was that woman and had that job, I'd be embarrassed to pick those coffee beans off the floor while everyone walked by." I ALWAYS THINK TO MYSELF: What if I was in their situation? I swear to you, I'm happier with life in general because of it. Its the simple things my friends...the simple things in life make the world a better place.

That was off topic, so back on track...

Mama texted me this morning and was like "your cousin's at nana's for the weekend." YAY!!!! She's referring to my cousin Noah, his wife Nicole, and daughters Carly and Sophie from TN. So I went and spent the evening with them. *smiles* I love my fam. Noah is such a smart ass though, but it relieves me to know that I am in fact part of the family since I'm just like him. He's hilarious...they asked me to come see them for a long weekend. They live 7 mins from my Uncle Ed and Aunt Sam, and then 5 mins from my other cousin Mark. It sounds like a plan. 5 hour drive? I can do it! Especially if I have a goofy family waiting for me on the other side lol. They live 20 mins from Nashville! Woohoo, that's such a fun place.

Yeah, I'll have to ask Noah for the pictures he took...idk if he'll upload them online though since they were taken on a disposable camera? Hmm...anywho, yeah I think that's about all. OH! I got let go early today at work which made me oober happy cuz I got to go home and nap haha.

I have to pee so I'll cut this short, and sorry for sharing the unwanted info haha, love you*



Unknown said...

Lets see if I can remember what I said in my comment I tried to leave last night. LOL

I learn a lot from you... I've told you before that you are wise beyond your years, which you already knew... but I do learn a lot from you. There are not many people on this earth who take everything God gives them as a gift... most people might have scoffed at the stranger talking to them, but you accepted it.

I adore how you see the world. I wish to see it through your eyes one day.


Gemma said...

" give and you will recieve " is my motto ;)

ur a fab girl, with a heart of solid gold. I hope someday that my Owen realises just how lucky he was at being given a 2nd chance. God dont go giving 2nd chances to just anyone does it? there has to be a reason. Im glad you've found yours. You inspire me to make the best of my time with Owen and make him realise that their is good in this place we call earth, and for him in return to use his 2nd chance wisely

love u boo!