Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I've got a peaceful, easy feeling

To fight for the right
Without question or pause,
To be willing to march
Into hell for a heavenly cause.

This is my quest, to follow that star,
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far
To be willing to give when there's no more to give
To be willing to die so that honor and justice may live.


That song gives me chills everytime I hear it. I think everyone has sang it too?! Jim Neighbors did, Elvis did, Frank Sinatra did, The Temptations did. My gosh haha.

Anyway...idk if you've noticed in my past few blogs but the title of the blog and then the lyrics ARE NOT from the same song. Some of them in the past have been so I don't want anyone getting confused and thinking idk my lyrics haha. Some titles just fit better than others. Like I know the Wanted: Dead or Alive doesn't match the lyrics. The title is a Guns n Roses song and the lyrics are Thriving Ivory. The title to the one after that is a Coheed and Cambria song but the lyrics are Bon Jovi and Jennifer Nettles. And then the one after that the title is from...FUCK. I forget what song I got those lyrics from :( but the lyrics in the post are Boys Like Girls.

YAY and then this would be titled from The Eagles with lyrics from the Man of La Mancha lyrics.

Idk why I felt the need to explain myself haha. Maybe because the titles and lyrics match the blog I'm writing about. "Wanted: Dead or Alive"= I hadn't posted in forever. "Please don't tell my secrets keep them hidden"= things I haven't told you. "It may be raining but there's a rainbow over you"= the hurricane was coming LOL.

Anyone noticing a pattern? HAHA, there is always always always a method to my madness. I'm creative and I always use lyrics to express myself SO PAY ATTENTION! And the title and lyrics from today's blog will match what I write about. Shucks *snaps finger* genius. Makes sense to me :)

Moving on...

Today was a very peaceful day *coughblogtitlecough* :) everyone woke up in a good mood and the weather was perfect ALL day. That's right, that tropical, whatever she is moved more east and looks like we wont get much of anything at all besides some wind or occassional showers! *jumps up and down* we aren't being evacuatedddd!!!! yayyyyy

My dad and I were walking along the beach and something just felt different. I was enlightened. There weren't a lot of people on the beach and the water was the perfect temperature. For some reason it just hit me like a ton of bricks. I was looking out over the ocean and I realized that 2,000 miles away I was there a month ago. Then it hit me even harder. SUMMER. IS. OVER. Wow. Yeahhhh...but this was by far the greatest summer of my life. I recall saying at the end of last year...OH WAIT, it was my New Years Resolution, thats right *snaps finger* I promised myself that no matter what went wrong, I would make 2008 the best year of my life. 2007 was awesome possum but 2008 has completely rocked my socks off.

Graduating early was the best thing I could've decided to do. I got a job with people that like me as much as I like them and care about me rediculously. I went to prom with all of my best friends and it was sensational. I fucking graduated! I got to pick out the car of my dreams. I am closer now than I have ever been with my 3 best friends. I went to mother trucking EUROPE. Germany, Spain, France, Italy, England. I met David Cook and he means more to me than ANYONE understands. Then my best friend from KC came and spent a week with me and we had the time of our lives. I went to Phoenix and got to see my family and participate in some honorable activites. Now here I sit in Florida typing this.

I can't even put into words the way I feel. And on top of all that? I'm going to meet David again next week, I just got invited to a Michael Buble concert, I'm picking up more hours at work, and by the end of this year I might be a certified travel agent.

Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. This year is rockstar.

But walking down the beach today this year just fast forwarded through my head. I'm crying now at the thought of it. This is in no way a bragging blog, it just hit me head on today what has happened to me this year.

And looking out across the ocean today just put into perspective how big of a world it is out there. I wanna explore it. I don't want to die knowing I never got to see the beautiful world and all its people and cultures. I won't let that happen. To dream the impossible dream...then to make it come true.

Every celebrity I've ever listened to has conveyed one simple message to me:

"If you want something bad enough, you'll get it. Don't give up until you do."


I compiled a list of all the places I can think of that I wanna go. As of right now there's 36 places. Here it be [so far]:

-Alaska [I wanna go on a train ride through it]
-The New England states, yes all of em
-Savannah, Georgia
-Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
-Siesta Keys, FL
-Miami, FL
-Panama City, FL
-San Diego, CA
-Salem, Oregon [right?]
-Yellowstone National Park
-Grand Canyon
-Niagra Falls [on the Canada side]
-Memphis, TN
-New Orleans/Baton Rouge
-Las Vegas
-The absolute tip of Maine
-Sydney or Melbourne, Australia
-Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
-Cancun, Mexico
-St Martens, Virgin Islands
-St Croix, Virgin Islands
-Paris, France
-Plymouth [where my family's from]
-Cape Town, South Africa

are you bored yet? I'm sure you don't care LOL the entire purpose of this blog anyway is for me to go and look at what was going on in my life at a certain time. Just my online diary. If people are reading, great. If not, I'll always have this to refer back to in 10 years :)

Maybe I should write myself a letter?

Dear future me,

Read these blogs and laugh at how much life has changed since then. Rejoice in your accomplishments and be proud that you set goals at such a young age. Be confident in knowing that you'll always be as crazy as you were when you wrote these. But know that no matter how crazy you once were, people still read this and they loved you even after. Life is a precious gift, waste it not. And laugh at yourself for being so "grown up" at such a young age. Also, laugh knowing how cheesy this whole idea of writing to yourself ended up being.

With all the love in my heart and soul, Rachel...the young and determined rockstar.

If I get any cooler......actually, just don't let me hahahahaha. Hope I made someone laugh...? :)

love youuuuu*

Look back and laugh at this too, since he's your husband now:



Unknown said...

I do that too with my blog titles and the lyrics I post.

I liked this blog... made me happy. :-)

We have a lot of the same places on our list, you know?? Annnd, I know that I can help you get to some of those places -- or at least that you should visit them with me. *coughmemphiscough* Oh except one thing... Imma haffa beat you the next time I see you because you didn't put KCMO or Blue Springs on there and I, your BFF -- and your hubby don't appreciate that. *folds arms and stomps*

Are you going to MB?? He's i n c r e d i b l e. If you love Sinatra, yadda, all that older stuff... you'll adore him. He's just got this PRESENCE on stage. And, OH MY. I just realized I never loaded my videos from his show. LOL They were good vids too... LOL

Anyhow. I wanna blog now.

Hey all you Rae readers, come read meeeeeee. ;-)

(Imma steal your peeps.)



Gemma said...

Lincoln - UK
should be on your list too.. come with the Chloe! haha