Sunday, August 31, 2008

Please don't tell my secrets [keep them hidden]

Who says you can't go home? There's only one place they call me one of their own. Just a hometown girl, born a rolling stone, who says you can't go home? Who says you can't go back? Been all around the world and as a matter of fact, there's only one place left I want to go...Who says you can't go home?

I went as far as I could, I tried to find a new face. There isn't one of these lines that I would erase. I lived a million miles of memories on that road. With every step I take I know that I'm not alone, you take the home from the girl, but not the girl from her home. These are my streets, the only life I've ever known, who says you can't go home?


Someone's homesick :( haha I love that song. It gets better everytime I hear it and its like 2 years old? WTFFFF haha

So I'm copying Jo because I'm a copy cat and I have nothing better to do...

Things you may not know about me:

I always tap my feet to music. Always.

If school were a musical, I'd be a straight A student.

You'd be surprised to notice some artists on my iPod. It ranges from Marilyn Manson, to S Club 7, to Elvis, to Ozzy, to Garth Brooks, to The Temptations.

I want a Harley really bad but am petrified to drive one.

I have mild short term memory loss.

I know [some] sign language cuz my bff's grandparents are deaf.

I want to be a missonary after I retire.

I'd do almost anything for a good cause.

I've probably donated more than half my life to volunteer work already and I'm 18.

My greatest accomplishment thus far in life was raising $5,000 for Children's Miracle Network.

I'll forever be fighting the risk of cancer and it scares me outta my skin.

Everytime I get a bruise, I get nervous :(

I had a brain test last year because of using chemo at such a young age.

They blame the chemo for my lacking math skills, silly fears, and memory loss.

Example: I'm afraid of things with wings. Only like 2 people knew that til now. Why am I being so HONEST with you????

The chemo used on me had never been used on any other child at that time. Imagine being my parents? Your kid either dies of cancer, dies of using this chemo, or lives. THANK GOD.

I hate being pale. But I'm against tanning beds.

I don't believe in self induced cancer because I HAD cancer. This includes tanning beds, and smoking.

I'm afraid of the unknown. This includes the future, death, and the dark.

I'm a little on the religious side. But I never throw it in your face and I don't go to church. Surprised? I practice my religion individually. God and I talk ;) and thats all that matters.

Oh and I'd like to add that I'm religious and am FOR gay marriage :)

I'm afraid to get married and have kids TOO early. There's so much I want to do first.

I'm honestly terrified to have kids. Not just the birth process alone but being in charge of someone else's life. THAT'S HUGE. But I adore kids, they make everything happier.

I actually think the idea of "creating your own human" is mindblowing. To actually form the human and then to be able to teach it your philosophies and make it who you want. INSANE?!

I want a boy then 2 girls. I promise myself to be a smart, diciplined, fun mother. Just like mine and hers was.

I'm afraid of divorce. I want to marry someone and then die with that person.

I'm in love with the feeling of love. Nothing compares to it and money can't buy it. I'm so deeply romantic it'd disgust you. It does me sometimes because I fear that what I want isn't out there.

I have 2 half sisters. Never have and never will meet the oldest one. Her loss...

I cried harder when my sister moved to Seattle than I did when my dog died :(

I'm scared shitless to move far away from home but I know I have to. I need to get away from my comfort zone and let my independence run wild.

I have a very independent personality but yet I hate doing things alone. I'm not sure if that made sense to anyone BUT me.

I always get done what I want to get done. If I'm passionate about it, then I become a perfectionist. My mom says I have a "I do what I want" attitude. Which is true, because who does things because they hate them? The only thing you hate to do in life but still do is school. After that, its YOUR life.

When I look back on my life I want to be able to say, "Rachel, you loved as much as you could love. You laughed as much as you could laugh. And you helped as many as you could help." THAT IS MY LIFE GOAL.

now that I read them...I think you all already knew those :( lol

thanks for reading lyxo

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oooh, I love... let's see...

"I had a brain test last year because of using chemo at such a young age."

I didn't know that one! ;-)

I loved it. Made me happy to see you put yourself out there and share like that. Especially some of the things you shared... I'm glad you did.

Tis better to express, no?? :-)

I loved it and I love that song.

Miss you hard.
