Monday, September 22, 2008

Every mile a memory

So in my Hospitality text book, there was this section where they had these students at a convention write down their dreams on a large panel. It struck me to write down a list of things I want out of life. Some of them are repeats of what the students said since I am in agreeance with their goals. Here's my list of what I want out of life:

-To learn and grow by helping people
-To be the best I can be and nothing less
-To be happy and make others happy too
-To love wholeheartedly and then feel the same in return
-To make people smile when I smile
-To make people laugh when I laugh
-To give hope that peace still exists
-To focus on the positive and let go of all that is negative
-To prove myself to God
-To make a difference in the lives of people who's paths I cross
-To be successful professionally, socially, and financially
-To reach for the stars because the sky's the limit
-To leave my imprint on the world
-To make others and myself proud
-To give more than I take
-To use the knowledge I've gained and pass it on to others
-To see the beauty in life and the world
-To keep close the people that matter the most
-To meet as many people life has to offer
-To travel the world and appreciate it for what it's worth
-To reach all of my goals through happiness and love
-To stay true to myself in all my endeavors
-To remember that this life is mine and I can do exactly what I please

So what are your dreams and goals? Take a moment to think about them and then hold onto them and reference them often.

:) that's all I have for a blog. love you*

Pictures I tried to upload the last time:


Gemma said...

wow. u are one special lady Ma'am.
fancy coming to teach Holly a thing or two? id sure love her to be as grateful as you when shes 18! and not like her mama haha.

May all your hopes, dreams and wishes come true, boo ;)


Unknown said...

oooh I like that top!! is it new?? I can borrow? ;-)

Your goals are too mature for me... LOL I love them. They're extremely attainable.
