Monday, May 26, 2008

These memories are playing like a film without sound

I keep on thinking times will never change. Keep on thinking things will always be the same. But when we leave this year we won't be coming back, no more hanging out because were on a different track. And if you got something that you need to say, you better say it right now because you don't have another day.

Its all happening a little too fast for me. We're done cleaning house for graduation. I get my new car tomorrow which means I leave the old one. And I graduate in 4 days.

Can someone slow down the ticking???? Good Lord. Take me back to a time when my biggest worry was who I was going to play with at recess. Take me back to when I thought the world was a good and safe place. Take me back to being a naieve child.

I miss it. I'm going to miss it even worse in 3 years when I'm completely done with school and starting a new life.

I've been reminicing a lot lately. Today all I could think about was elementary school times. Wow, it literally feels like all those memories just happened last week when in all actuality they happened about a DECADE ago. Can this be real? Is this just a long drawn out dream, and when I wake up I'll be in a room filled with Pocahontas things and Martha will call me to go get ice cream?

Tell me this isn't all happening so quickly. No, better yet, don't tell me anything. Don't tell me what I want to hear and sure as hell don't tell me what I DON'T want to hear. It's just crazy and I literally can't wrap my head or hands around it.

This time next week I'll be graduated. D-O-N-E. I never thought the day would come that I would say, "wow I graduate today"

I found a lot of things from last summer. Notes and funny pictures that completely took me back to that time and place. I love it but I hate it all at once. I love knowing what a great life I've had but I hate how it went by so fast that I mearly tasted it and it was gone. 18 years, shot. Down the drain. No way to turn back.

Here's to the next 18 *takes a drink*

And I drove my car for the last time tonight. I have to drive the truck to work and my parents are gonna take my old one and trade it tomorrow. *tears up* wow. MY CAR, gone forever. Its exciting but sad, and then again, its life. I kissed the steering wheel and said my thanks for a clean driving record. Superstition? Possibly....

Just one last thing before I go to bed, everyone that I graduate with next weekend PAY ATTENTION:

Do you realize that next Saturday, May 31, 2008 is the LAST TIME all of us will be together? Never again will the class of 08 be in the same room at the same time. So soak it up when it happens, because once it's gone.....IT'S GONE FOR GOOD :(

I'm gonna cry myself to sleep now LMAO, goodnight!!!

Yesterday I fell asleep in kindergarten, then when I woke up, I was graduating:

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Tina said...
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