Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I used to dream about the future, but now the future is the past

I remember all the good times, sometimes I'd wonder would it last? I don't wanna live in yesterday, cross my heart until I die, don't wanna know just what tomorrow may bring, because today has just begun, no matter whatever else I've done -I'm here for you-

Can you guess who sings that song? I bet you CAN'T :)

Ozzy freaking Osbourne. Yessir. I love his newest album, Black Rain, ch ch ch check it out, haha.

This is one of the busiest weeks of my life. I think the only other time I'll be this busy in one week is the week before my wedding. True story my friends.

I think I planted about 150 flowers today. It was quite ridiculous. But on the flip side, they look ridiculously BEAUTIFULLLLL. Now the question is, will anyone even notice them at my party? Haha, all that work for nothing?

Oh yeeeeaaahhhhh, got my new car :-D its true, I'm in love. She's beautiful. Her name is Princess because I'll treat her like one. I love that new car smell....oh gosh it makes me smile just thinking about it!!! Last night was kinda a crappy night so I drove around with the top up but today was a different story :) TOP DOWN BABY ALLLLLLLLLLLL DAY. Ew it's so beautiful it gives me chills. If it's a nice day tomorrow I'll take some pics of me and my hawt new ride.
Nothing has been happening really. Boring? Just getting ready for grad and it's all crashing towards the ground faster than the speed of light. 2 days. Whoaaaa, just the sound of that gives me chills. I've still got a million and a half things to do.....if only I could just wiggle my nose and blink and everything would be set :)

I'll hopefully post again before grad....we'll just have to see how these next few days pan out. If not, wish me luck :( its funny how I'm so nervous to graduate when 4 years ago, I couldn't wait for this day. Just like the title of my blog, "I used to dream about the future, but now the future is the past."

Well after will be the past. Just another stepping stone. We're all supposed to do it, a lot of people don't do it, but on Saturday May 31st this girl is gonna GRADUATE.
Yay me, and everyone else walking :) I love you guys!!!!

Random pics from last night:

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Tina said...
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