Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"You alone can make my song take flight

Help me make the music of the night."

Hi. This be my first blog. And I believe I'm just going to jump right into it!

Today was a good day. Wait, scratch that, today was an amazing day!

Let's just start off by admitting how much I absolutely LOVE David Cook from this season's American Idol. I have a brand-new-crush. *SCREAMS* I meant love when I said it. Let's get married David, ok? You don't have to ask, my answer's yes, so just get me the ring and let's start planning :)

Whoa. Back the truck up, haha. I know I sound crazy, but if you haven't watched AI this year then there's no possible way you would understand! The man is an angel. He wears an orange bracelet every week with the name "Lindsey" inscribed on it. Who is this lady Lindsey? She's a 7 year old fan from Florida. She's been diagnosed with Leukemia. David found out about her and it touched him so much that he asked her dad for one of her support bracelets. AND HE WEARS IT EVERY WEEK JUST FOR HER.

This hits home with me because I too had Leukemia when I was young. In fact, I was 1 1/2 years old when I was diagnosed. My mom took me to doctor after doctor until I met my angel. I think Dr. B's angel and my angel got together in Heaven and decided to cure me. I had been having severe back pain for a while and so my mom kept taking me to all these docs and they all said I had a disaligned spine or something of that sort. They thought it was so disaligned that they put me in a body cast for 6 months. Gee, thanks for getting that one wrong guys! It's not like that was one of the biggest pains in the ass EVER. Anywho, I walked into Dr B's office, my mom told him what was wrong, and he looked at her and said "She's got cancer." Amazing eh? And he hit the nail on the head. Cancer it was. Acute Lymphocitic[sp] Leukemia. ALL for short. And nothing "acute" about it. I've been cancer free for 15 years and this just got way too deep for my first blog.

Whoa, again.

So when I heard that story all I could do was cry. He doesn't even know this little girl but the fact that he supports her during her times of trial means more to her and to all of us than he'll ever know.

2nd. Everytime he performs with a guitar, he has the letters "AC" on it. AC stands for Adam Cook, and that would be his brother who is fighting brain cancer. Bless him and his family.

That makes me cry too :(

Plus, he sang Always Be My Baby and Billie Jean and those are my favorite songs from those 2 artists. Also, he did the best Dolly Parton song that entire night. OUT OF ALL THE GIRLS AND GUYS, he sang Dolly the best.

I love him. It's true. I hope he wins. I hate to say this but I'm afraid Lil David will win just because everyone thinks he's adorable. If it's a true talent competition then Cook should get it. He's been able to sing every single song they gave him perfectly. Bless him for his talent.

So on an even BETTER note, I bought floor tickets to the AI tour this summer! I'm on cloud 9, literally right now. FLOOR SEATS. IN DC'S FACE. I can't wait to see him eye to eye, haha.

My daddy is going with me. I'm forcing him to since my mama has to work :) Let's just get this out there, I'm going to list every concert I've been to, and which one's my dad has attended with me:

Billy Ray Cyrus
Hanson- Dad came
NSYNC- Dad came
Christina/Justin Tour- Dad came
Brad Paisley
Mandy Moore
Justin Timberlake- Dad, Jodie, Jennifer, and Bella came
Christina Aguilera- Dad came
American Idol- Dad's coming

I texted my co-worker and told her my good news and when she asked me who I was going with I told her my father, and she said [I love this]:

"Only a real man would sit through something like that with his daughter just because he knew it put a smile on her face!"

So daddy, if you're reading, thanks for all the smiles you have put on my face! I LOVE YOU.

That's it for now. This was too much. SORRY :(

David pic, notice the AC on his jacket and the orange bracelet:


Gemma said...

Hey Rae :)
Im glad ur blogging ! yay for u lol
anyhows.. sorry to hear all about your illness as a child, and being free for 15 years is amazing!! (btw i have news bout O but will explain that in my blog another time)

DC really is something else isnt he? Jo gave me a few songs of his and although im not familiar with him hes doing pretty good in AI,as far as im aware :)

woo for the tix too! ur daddy sounds like a dream..

take care of u.. have a nice thursday evening xx

Tina said...
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Unknown said...

I knew about his bro but I didn't know about Lindsay... that's incredible... I remember seeing the bracelet when I met him and was actually curious, so wow... He's just... wow...

Even if David doesn't win the freaking title, it's not going to change the fact that he's a fucking superstar.

Oh and on that Justin Timberlake one... you forgot to put "Dad, Jodie and Jenn came". ;-)

Unknown said...

dude, that's SO much better!
