Thursday, May 29, 2008

Little girl you're in the middle of the ride

Everything, everything will be just fine, everything, everything will be alright. Hey, you know they're all the same. You know you're doing better on your own, so don't buy in. Live right now. Yeah, just be yourself. It doesn't matter if it's good enough for someone else. Hey, don't write yourself off yet. It's only in your head you feel left out or looked down on. Just do your best, do everything you can. And don't you worry what the bitter hearts are gonna say.

Tina, I hope you read those lyrics :) figured you might need a booster, plus I think you're the only one who reads my entries!! LOL

I have nothing to do but wait for 22 pages of pictures to print. That equals 85 pics if you're curious. And if you're even more curious as to WHY IN THE HELL I'm doing this [haha] it's because I'm making a tri-fold poster collage for my grad party.

*deep breath*

:( this just sucks. These past 5 entires have been depressing LMAO. This week has just flown by and there's no stopping or turning back now. Ew its friggen crazy.

Finished planting flowers today and did a little more cleaning. I also set up my Senior table. I'm putting this poster on it along with a couple of framed pics and all my Sr pics. I hope you guys come to my party :) even if its just for 5 mins, it'll make me smile.

I feel like I have so many things I need to say to people. I just want to sit down with my old friends and reminisce. I keep thinking about all these times with all these different people and I'll randomly remember some little thing that happened that ended up being hilarious. But then I think of how much times and people have changed and how no matter how bad I want to, I know I'll never be able to get back what we had.

That's the best part about memories is that the people in them change, but the memories them self remain the same. Beautiful. Life ain't always beautiful but it's a beautiful ride.

You are probably so SICK of hearing about graduation but really, this is the most important thing that's happened to me thus far in life. And then I think of how many people I know that DIDN'T graduate and what they've missed. Ever since Jr High I've absolutely hated school. I don't like being confined to a room for 90 mins and having some of the teachers I've had but now that I've matured, I realize those really were the greatest times of my life.

Older people ALWAYS say h/s is the best time of your life, and I NEVER believed them until this VERY MOMENT. Looking at all these pics and remembering all those memories, I realize that life is awesome. It's so much fun and there are so many things to do. That sounds funny but it's true. I have family members that didn't graduate and I just wish I could sit down and talk to them. Now that I've made it through hell [haha] I realize how LUCKY, yes lucky, I am to be graduating. So very thankful for every teacher I've had and for all the friends and memories I've made.

All the Friday night football games, the Saturday night movie nights, everything. It's all been so amazing and I'm so grateful for every memory God has blessed me with.

I've literally lived one of the craziest, and funniest lives ever.

To sum up my life in one word thus far: supercalifragilisticexpeolidocious. K? Cool :)

Before I go I just wanted to say CONGRATS to David Cook for signing a record deal with RCA...I'm so excited to join him on this journey. Woooooo!!! ILY.

and also love you for reading this. RNR baby*

enjoy a shit ton of pics:

1 comment:

Tina said...
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