Monday, May 19, 2008

It's been good, getting to know me more

I'm the one who likes gardenia. I'm the one who likes to make love on the floor. I don't wanna hang up the phone yet. [insert blog title here].

Boring freaking day. Went to bed at 4am, and I'm sure that can't be healthy, but then woke up at 11. Bummer. Hopefully I'll sleep good tonight?

I don't really want to talk about what I've done today so this is gonna be a completely off topic out of nowhere blog, hope that's good for you :)

I just wanted to touch base on a few things.

I know my last few blogs have been really Sunday School answerish but I don't think you really understand me. It's hard for you to get to know me online. Some people write really good words and can't talk it out in person. I admit, I'm a very good writer. I sucked at everything in school except for choir, social half hour [lunch], and english. I am and always have been a pro at english. And I'm super anal about grammar. Ask anyone that I text or IM regulary, I always capitalize the first letter of the first word, I use commas, and periods and I rarely abbreviate things. It's just my thing, and I'm fer sure OCD about it. It drives me crazy when people can't spell either. I'd never say anything because I wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings but I definitely bite my tounge when common words are misused.

With that being said...even though I am a good writer, I don't want you guys to think that that's all there is to me. Because I can talk the talk and walk the walk even better. If we can be brutally honest with eachother right now, I truly do love helping people. What is my greatest passion in life? Changing lives. What do I want to be remembered for? Changing lives.

Go ahead, all together now, AWWWWWWWWWWW. Whatever. It really does make me happy to put a smile on someone else's face. Smiles are contagious too, try this for me: tomorrow when you see a stranger, make sure they're looking at you and just smile. I guarantee a smile back and if not, still know that you brightened their day just a little. I think if the whole world laughed and smiled a little more, then there wouldn't be so much animosity.

Pet peeve number 2: Negativity. I try to be positive about everything so please don't bring your negativity around me. Isn't it sad that its HARD to be positive? Shouldn't it be hard to be NEGATIVE??? I think so. If you fill your life with positive things, then you shall reap positive rewards. Take my karma for example, I do good for others so in return good things happen to me. I don't believe in luck. I believe for every action there is an equal reaction. DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD WANT DONE UNTO YOU. I help others because I want someone to help me when I need it. The advice giver sometimes doesn't know how to follow her own advice. Preaching to the choir and I don't even practice it. That's a little secret between us.

Also, with so much negativity in life and our lives completely revolving around materalistic items and MONEY, do we not realize that we can't take these things with us when we die? Life should not revolve around things that won't matter in the after-life. If you believe, that is.

Someone always has it worse than you. You may not be able to pay your rent or haven't eaten in 24 hours but there's always someone who is living on the street and hasn't eaten in a week. SOMEONE ALWAYS HAS IT WORSE THAN YOU. Read those words over and over again. No one has the perfect life because if they're life was perfect then it wouldn't exist in the first place because God didn't make us to be perfect. Once again, if you believe. Therefore we all have our times of trial, no matter the degree, but we're human right? Next time you're complaining, do me a favor and listen to yourself then ask yourself "what could be worse than this" then realize that not everything in life is so bad. NOT EVERYTHING IN LIFE IS NEGATIVE. We have to stop living in such a declining manner. It's sickening, and it's ending the world.

In a nutshell: complaining is pointless and it only spreads animosity.

Oh wise one strikes again. I'm done typing because I'll probably get criticized. Don't pay attention to my age, PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT I SAY. I don't just type this for nothing, I do it in hopes that maybe hundreds of miles away, I just changed a complete stranger's life, and if I did, then mission accomplished. I'm smiling.

The current loves of my life:

He's currently stolen a piece of my heart:

He'll ALWAYS have a piece of my heart

I love her. We're both complete Rockstars. We're moving to LA together along with Jenn and the Bella in 3 years :)


Tina said...
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Unknown said...

Who loves me? Rachel loves me. Oh yes, yes, yes. I love Rachel. I love Rachel lots.

"It's just my thing, and I'm fer sure OCD about it. It drives me crazy when people can't spell either."

I love that you're talking about spelling and whatnot and then you say, "fer sure". Made me laff.

I am with you on spelling, grammar, punctuation... sure I sometimes abbreviate, but I love being proper, no matter if it's on text, email or blog. That's one reason why I loves you.

I hate how amazing you are. It's really starting to make me look bad, Rae!!

You go on and change the lives of millions, I know that you will do incredible things with whatever you set your mind to -- people will respond to you because you are wise, humble and extraordinary, so go change lives, because I know you've already changed so many -- including mine.

I love you.


Gemma said...

dont think i can say anything cos its already been said ;)
