Sunday, May 18, 2008

I haven't got it all figured out just yet

I feel drunk but I'm sober. I'm young and I'm underpaid. I'm tired but I'm working, yeah. I care but I'm restless. I'm here but I'm really gone. I'm wrong and I'm sorry baby. But I've got one hand in my pocket. And the other one is giving the peace sign. I'm free but I'm focused. I'm green but I'm wise. I'm hard but I'm friendly baby. I'm sad but I'm laughing. I'm brave but I'm chicken sh*t. I'm sick but I'm pretty baby. And what it all boils down to, Is that no one's really got it figured out just yet...

Rachel adores that song :)

Today was a pleasntly fun day. Days like these make me love being a crazy teenager. I mean really, cuz I'm such a grounded, laid back, humble person so its nice when I'm around the right person that I can be wild in front of. And my best friend Ashley is good for sparking my wild side. I swear, we can get into the silliest situations, but if we didn't, our friendship would not be the same!

We started out by going to the Spring Fling, its like a mini fair they have in our town. And since the town is so small it literally is a mini fair! Haha. My grandpa is best friends with the mayor, if that gives you some sort of clue about my town :)

We rode one ride because she started feeling sick. Then we turned right around and bought funnel cakes! Actually, me and her sister got funnel cakes, and Ash got ice creammm.

Then we went putt-putting. I swear everytime the 2 of us go putt-putting SOMETHING crazy happens. Today was no exception. I ended up hitting my ball hard enough that it skipped over the course and landed in the grass. So my genius best friend decides to THROW MY BALL IN THE WATER?!!! So I chased her down and did the same with hers. As soon as we did it we were kinda like "oh shit, we still need to play with those." So we go to get them out of the water and I'm sitting on the ground pressing my foot on the side of the grass [which was all muddy and wet] when all of a sudden it decides to cave in and take my foot with it. I kid you not, the grass caved into the water and my entire foot got soaked. What a rip off. It was a good laugh though and my shoe got cleaned so it worked out right?! Haha.

And thennnnnnnnnn, we went to an arcade. Fun shiz. I challenged her to a game of bball and then we both played DDR. I mean literally, she was in charge of 2 arrows and I was in charge of 2. Like, we literally played the one person together. It was good times.

After all that, [sheesh it was a long day], we drove around and ended up at Tim Horton's. We know 2 people that work there so we kicked it for about an hour.

Aww, while we were there this mama and daddy goose were crossing their babies across the street. Ash and I went out and watched cuz it was a friggen busy ass street and we were both afraid they'd get hit.

She got a sweet ass new car, but I'll keep that to her business, PLUS I didn't tell her I was gonna write about her, so I don't wanna say too much :)

I will say.....haha......she almost killed me for it too....I threw my can of pop out the window into the river but I accidentally spilt it all down the inside of her new ride. Haha, it was innocent and we both laughed. It's ok, she's already threatened my new car. She'll probably just spit gum on it like the last hahaha, can you tell she loves me? It's not a big deal.

Sorry this was so boring, my day was actually incredibly awesome but its hard to describe memories, you just have to be there to experience them and only I know what today was like and for some reason I can't put it into good words right now! Its getting late, so give me a break would ya?!

Pics of the day, just because I can't get enough of him, and proof that we're both crazy haha, I love him, but who's crazier?????:


Unknown said...

Okay, you and David look totally freaking meant for each other there and do we have the same camera?! :-)

I love you so hard...I can't believe the ground at your foot!! I was rollin'!!! LOL


PS: Only 3 years!?!?! OW OW WOW! Not faaar!

Tina said...
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Tina said...

Okay I am back! LOL! Commenting you back on what you commented about. LOL did that make sense? LOL!
I am SOO happy that I made your day! I really do find all that you do is wonderful. For you to reach out to your community like that, its just awesome! Seriously! But I am glad that I helped your awesome day start off with an awesome and touching comment! YAY! lol
And as you kind of noticed, I do ramble a lot. LOL! And yes, I am an AWESOME listener. I might not be the BEST advice giver, but I really do try my best. But I am a good listener. I do like to talk a lot but I can listen a lot. LOL!
So yeah, I am a good listener. I really do hope our friendship grows into something beautiful. You are an amazing person and I kind of need someone who is wise or someone to give me good advice around me. It always seems like you know what to say. Like your perfect! LOL! Here I am almost 25 and your 18. I think you are way more wise than I am. At 18 I was still "young" then. I was just kind of carefree and like ahh whatever. (I blame it on senioritis!) But now that I am almost 25, I am like, WOAH WAKE UP! Its a good thing you got a good head on your shoulders! It will get you so far in life if you are smart! LOL!
So yeah! Sorry for ANOTHER long comment, but yeah I just wanted to reply back! YAY! lol