Sunday, October 5, 2008

Save us from the times of trial, and deliver us from evil.

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints.
Other times there were only one set of footprints.
This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life
When I was suffering from anguish, sorrow, or defeat
I could see only one set of footprints.
So I said to the Lord,
"You promised me, Lord, if I followed you, you would walk with me always.
But I noticed that during the most trying periods of my life
There have been only one set of footprints in the sand.
Why when I have needed you the most you have not been there for me?"
The Lord replied,
"The times when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child, is when I carried you."

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference

I think by now you know where this blog is headed. So I'm not quite sure how I should approach the subject. How do you address something so meaningful in your life? Anyway, I'll try my best to put myself out there w/o forcing anything on anybody. I do, however, want to be clear that I am not ashamed to expose this information. You may not agree, but there is NOTHING wrong with voicing the views of my life. If you are offended, then there will be no reason for you to read on or even comment. This is not embarrassment, these confessions are honor, dignity, wisdom, and strength.


This girl that I went to the Idols tour with, invited me to an event with her church tonight. The guys we went and saw were called "Team Xtreme." They are these huge body building guys that break through cement blocks and flip cars over and yadda yadda. The difference is, each of them have their own story on how God has changed their life. It was phenomenal to see these 300 pound guys talking about their faith.

They had a singer who made a point that I truly believe. He was talking about all the negative in the world right now. He said that the world isn't peaceful because we have pushed God aside. He said our country used to trust in God [hence: in God we trust] and now we are fighting God and trying to push him away. In return we are getting what we asked for. If we act in a way that we don't 'need' God in our lives, then God will step back until we ask him to come back into our lives. The devil's work is chaos, and that's what the world is today. If more people ask God to come back into their lives, the more peace we can spread; the more love the world would see instead of so much hate.

It's very true. America doesn't seem to trust in God anymore. We've lost our faith in him so he lost his faith in us. Only when we tell God we need him, will he save us.

The truth is plain and simple: when Adam and Eve betrayed God's trust he built a wall between him and humans. He sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to walk among them and to teach them the word of God. When the people rebelled against Jesus he offered his body to them to prove himself to us. He offered his legs for our sins when he walked all those miles carrying that cross on his back. He offered his back for our sins when they hit him 39 times. He offered his hands and feet for our sins to be nailed to that cross. And the devil laughed at him when he died and was buried. Jesus proved himself to us when he awoke from the dead 3 days later. He paid the ultimate price for us. And what have we done for him besides preach against him and protest against his word and sue people for posting things religious? Freedom of religion, but you can't be religious.

At the end of the program they say a prayer and after the prayer they ask everyone who wants to give their heart to God to raise their hands. I swear to you I didn't even THINK about it, my hand just raised. It was like a greater force had raised it for me. The guy was like, "for everyone with their hand raised please join us in front of the stage." They went through this whole thing about giving your heart to God and letting him lead your life. Completely giving God control of your life and you stepping away and letting destiny take over.

As many of you know I'm big on fate and destiny and everything happening for a reason. So I did.

Tonight I re-dedicated myself to God. Tonight I was saved.

It's hard to put into words the feeling I received tonight. I know there's plenty of people out there who don't believe in what I do. I know there are skeptics that would say, "you made yourself feel that way." But I can sit here and tell you right now that at that very moment, in front of that stage tonight, with my head bowed and my eyes closed, I felt God. I felt close to him. I felt his hand on my shoulder, telling me it was ok to let go of my life and that he will take care of me. I felt peaceful. I promise you. I can't make this up, I can't describe the feeling, and I'm not saying that everyone should go through what I did, but I AM saying that I felt the prescence of God in my life tonight.

I let go of my heart and soul. I let go of my controlling thoughts. My life now rests in God's hands and I know that with him, I am safe. My destiny will play out the way it's meant to be and I am no longer forcing fate. The guy tonight said, "now that you've dedicated yourself to God, let it be known that he will put the person in your life that you'll marry, he will put you in the right path for your career, God is in control and he will do what is best for you." I believe that 100%. I've always said that my husband, career, children, and life is pre-determined by God.

Tonight I let go off all my sins, all my regrets, all my stress, and all of my burdens. I gave my heart to God and I trust that he will lead me in the right path. He knows what is best for me and I am no longer in control. I've given the keys to God and now I will enjoy the ride. I will live and learn. I will live in a positive way. I will love all of his children and I will help them every chance I get. I will fulfill God's work because I know that he will take my hand and lead me down the paths he knows I can handle.

Tonight I was saved.

I don't expect any comments on this one because I know this is a hard topic for most. I just needed to type this for myself. I love you and God bless*

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well then... I am very happy for you. God makes you happy, he gives you something to look forward to in the morning, something to get you through the after noon and something to just all around make it through the day.

Love you.