Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The thunder rolls and the lightning strikes

When the sun shine, we'll shine together, told you I'll be here forever, said I'd always be your friend, took an oath I'ma stick it out till the end. Now that it's raining more than ever, know that we'll still have each other, you can stand under my umbrella, you can stand under my umbrella. These fancy things, will never come in between, you're part of my entity, here for infinity. When the world has took it's part, when the world has dealt it's cards, if your hand is hard, together we'll mend your heart.

Ok so since the weather, I had to theme my blog. LAME, I know, but it is what it is. Anyway, the lyrics are for Jodie. I think if she actually reads between the lines, it'll all come together :) Love you boo.

I really wish it would quit storming. I am terrified of storms. Someone hold me please? Try David Cook, he's used to Midwest storms, right???!!!! But where is he when I need him? Damn my life.

Want me to put this into perspective for you? My grandma doesn't have a very big yard, let's say like 50 steps, and 15 if you run :) anyway, a small yard. I got out of my car and RAN to the door, and just within that time frame there were 11 strikes of lightning. Just in that short amount of time. Shit homes.

Have you ever just woke up with a feeling? Not a good one either. The day went amazing up until I left for work. But from the moment I woke up that morning I felt weird. I just had a bad feeling all day and was prepared to have a bad day. I just KNEW something was going to happen. Call me psychic, but my feeling came true.

I was a half hour late to work because of a God awful accident. A trash truck drove over a car. Killed one and the other was care flighted to the hospital. If I were to guess, I'd say there were 25 police, fire, and ambulances. If I'm guessing...but there was probably more :( it just gave me chills and was definitely something I could have gone without seeing.

This lightning is getting on my nerves. My eyes keep lighting up. DAMN IT.

Then, I get to work and Beth is on her way out, leaving me to the office by myself. Before she left she told me that the restaurant next door was robbed at gun point on Friday. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Thats awful, and not to mention WE WERE OPEN WHEN IT HAPPENED. So she leaves and locks me in and kid you not, 5 minutes later, shit goes down. A guy comes to the door and shows me a check. I was kinda cautious cuz I was on edge at this point, but for some odd reason I trusted him and let him in. Well, when I did this African American followed him in and sat down. At first I thought they were together cuz he just like sat down? But when Jim [the patient's name] kinda looked at him and me like, "wtf is going on?" I knewwwwwww something was up. So I asked the guy if there was anything I could do for him and he demanded to see the doctor. I apologized and told him he wasn't available at the moment and he got upset and started yelling so I asked him to leave. Well then OF COURSE, he threw the race card and told me I wouldn't let him see the doctor cuz he was black and blah blah blah. I ended up asking him to leave 3 times and even Jim told him to leave and FINALLY he left. Then he got on his bike and circled by the office 3 times before riding off. I called the doctor to get there ASAP and so he did. When he came in he said he saw 2 black guys sitting in a car by the office and when he unlocked the door they drove off like they had gotten caught. Long story short: I had to call the cops. The cops came, interviewed me, I was shook up the rest of the night but now its over.

What scared me the most was that it was like this guy saw Beth lock the door when she left and he WAITED for someone to come up and for me to unlock it. AND THEN, they sat there hoping maybe someone defenseless, as in a small woman, would come up and then they could get us both. When they saw Dr D they scrammed so it was definitely because of his figure.

Scurry stuff.

Then we had a tornado warning. I've lived in this town for 18 years and we've only had 3. This is obviously a rare freaking occasion. So that freaked me out even more.

I need a massage I'm so worked up, just within 8 hours hahahahaha. Oh well I guess. Now I have to tough it out and sleep through the storms. This ought to be FUNNN, seeing as how I hate them.

Oh and I got to see someone today that absolutely made my day. Its a long story not meant for a public blog, but lets just say He gave me a chance the past 2 summers and I didn't take them, however, this summer, I might just pull the shock card and take Him up on His offer. He's pretty. And makes me smile. Cross your fingers for me???

Love you, thanks for reading*

Sticking with the theme of the night for pics haha

I used to love this movie and actually wanted to be a storm chaser:

I love Paris and thought this pic was cooooooool:


Tina said...
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Unknown said...

Whoa, that is a super cool pic of Paris... and I love you for the song. :-) *sings* You make me happieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... when skies are graaaay...

That's sad about the accident... Idk why a trash truck would run into a car tho... not paying attn??

Jenn was driving today and a GAS truck nearly ran into her... nooot cool.