Tuesday, June 10, 2008

You may not know it now

You're gonna miss this, you're gonna want this back, you're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast. These are some good times, so take a good look around, you may not know it now, but you're gonna miss this.

We need an uplifting blog compared to the last :)

1st off I would just like to say I'm ecstatic for two things that are going to happen. First one I can't get my hopes up until I know the ticket is bought *cough* and second, I can't say just yet because I don't know what family members read this and if I say, then it'll ruin one of the best surprises for someone.

The second thing I'll be able to tell you about next week. Hopefully Monday :) so just hold your horses then. I mean if you individually wanna know, then email or text and I can tell you.

Just know that more good things are in the future. This is hopefully going to turn out to be the best year of my life. Which was my New Years resolution, jsyk.

Kk, so I found this in the newspaper a couple of weeks ago, it's titled: "Golden words and loving advice for Class of 08'" Written by Julie Olmsted. [I'm quoting all of this w/o the quotations]

The Golden Rule: Kindness will never be outmoded. Gentleness is a dissappearing trait in our culture, but its importance and power are little understood or appreciated. Common courtesy and consideration of others will take you far and cover a multitude of sins when you find yourself in the occasional hot water that you will inevitably get into.

The Golden Circle: Stay connected with those who accept, support and bless you: your faith community, your family and true friends. You are not alone and were not meant to be. What you take so for granted now will grow precious through the years. Keep in touch. Express your appreciation.

The Golden Key: Take responsibility for your actions. Lay claim to the wonderful words of Desiderata: "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. You have a right to be here." But you cannot reconcile this mantle to yourself until and unless you accept responsibility for yourself and the choices you make. You may have had a hard life, one with minimal support and/or guidance, but you must now seek those things on your own and with integrity, set the course for your destiny.

AGREED, I'LL SECOND THAT. The most honest, down-right perfect words I've read thus far. What amazing advice, eh? And, might I add, not just for the use of those graduating, but for anyone and everyone wanting to change their life. Wisdom, inspiration, and insight are such nice things to possess :)

Just a sidenote, our family reunion is this Sunday. I'm excited. It's at the same place every year on Father's Day. Plus, this year I get a 2 for 1 deal...my sister is coming :) I love spending time with her. I hope you're reading this Molls!!! Can't wait for Sunday.

And here's to all of you, my church sent it to me for Graduation. It's called, "A Prayer For You."

God bless you in the morning
with His presence shining bright,
And make your whole day happy
with His radiant love and light.
God bless you in the evening
when the daytime hours depart,
And like a benediction
leave His peace upon your heart.

Love you all, thanks for reading :)

Happy is kind of a funny word if you say it like 30 times in a row:


Gemma said...

your last comment to me made me larf! < say larf, you'll sound cockney! (LDN folk btw)

That was a pretty cool blog! and yes i did sit and say happy over and over again. duh!

the quote you quoted made me smile, thats yay!

email me with your plans! not that i can ever join in but im still intrested ;)

kisses xx

Unknown said...

Ahh, not really a Cam fan per se, but a definite fan of her hair. I love her laugh and her smile. (Gemma says I sound just like Cam when I laugh... what you think??) LOL

I think you should try something different. I'm with ya on being paranoid about it and all though. I'm the same way, wanted to grow it out FOREVER and well, I guess now I'm done... LOL as soon as it got long I wanted to chop it off...

Now, knowing Jodie, I'll chop it off and want extensions. I reckon that's do-able though. :-)

I can't remember what else you said, but yeah... Loves you.


Unknown said...

I sooo totally loved all your comments...

The 2nd one, about right for me right now... wow... kinda made me happy that Rachel liked what I said. Usually youre the one giving everyone such good advice, so it made me happy that you really liked that.

glad that you liked my hair, it's like... *does big dramatic arms* SEX!

I cannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnntttttttttttttttttttt wait either. OMG. SO excited. I'm off to check plane tickets again.


