Monday, June 16, 2008

If you want to know the truth

You make or break my day. If you want to know the truth, I wouldn't have it any other way.

David Cook has completely stolen my heart. I'm captivated. Its absolutely crazy. Why is it that when I dream up a perfect guy, he ends up being famous? Cuz the chances of that relationship EVER happeneing is slim to none, haha.

I sound crazy, maybe I am, or maybe you just don't understand? Either way, it doesn't really matter :)

Speaking of David Cook, Happy 21st Birthday to Andrew Cook!! Woo

I already know how I'm spending my 21st. It's going to be uh-mazing to say the least.

Hi Viki. How are you? How is life in Salt Lake City? Life here is boring, don't ever move here, you'll hate it haha. I told you I would dedicate this blog to you. Not really sure how interested you are in what this blog might be about, but its for you so enjoy :)

So where shall I start since its been practically a week since I've blogged??

K so, I don't remember much of last week therefore we shall focus on the weekend.

Friday was nothing, haha. Just texted a bunch of people all night since I wasn't "allowed" to go anywhere... Saturday I went to Columbus and stayed with my sister. She's a pool monitor for the pool in her complex. I got a decent tan I suppose? Nothing extravagant but we'll talk more about tanning in a bit :) People watching, is a sport within itself. It was fun just sitting there watching all the kids play and all the people who just came to soak up the rays. There was this one little girl that looked and sounded EXACTLY like Theodore from Alvin and the Chipmunks. Only my sister can attest to this being true hahahahhaa. And I'm not being mean or making fun of her cuz I thought it was the cutest thing ever. I just wanted to take her home with me she was so adorable. Everytime she talked I almost peed myself cuz it was funny but precious at the same time. After a long day in the sun we ended the evening with Sonic and the movie, The Perfect Man. I'm such a damn sap for romance movies. I don't know if maybe I'm still holding on to the slight chance that maybe something like that will happen to me? Wishful thinking. Nope. I'm just a hopeless...helpless romantic :)

Sunday was Father's Day and our family reunion. I'm so glad my sister got to come. I really think the 24 hrs spent with my sister was the most personal we've ever gotten in my 18 years of life. I think in the end it brought us so much closer. I love my sister to death and I'm so glad that she's a part of the important years of my life. The family reunion went well, nothing too awesome but yet nothing too boring.

So now after all the "I can't say anything just yet" and "we'll get to that later" well, its later. My mom and I bought my dad a swimming pool for Father's Day. My sister and I bought him some toys for the pool too haha, funny stuff. He's excited but I don't think he'd say he was even if you paid him haha. My dad is just like that. He doesn't think I notice, but I know him a lot better than he'd ever believe. Truly. So to say the least, I'm freaking stoked to get this pool and get my tan on. I'm going to be an African American by the time college rolls around.

Gosh what else is there to talk about? Wanna talk about romance? What's your favorite romance movie? Mine? The Notebook of course. I mean, its just that forbidden fruit meant to be kind of thing. Soul mates. Speaking of which, What Dreams May Come is a beautiful movie. It's all about soul mates and words can't even describe it, you just have to watch it for yourself. 27 Dresses is adorable. Oh goodness, I love it. I just love James Marsden and that movie is so damn cute I think I about bit my tounge off haha. Maid of Honor...SEE IT. I love me some McDreamy but even more than that? I love the best friend turned into lover deal. That's cute. The Wedding Singer, adorable. On the same note, 50 First Dates has my heart. The Perfect Man was a good one just because I think that there is such thing as a "perfect man." Except that he's only perfect to/for you and no one else :) There's a beauty in people that sometimes, no one else notices, but we call that fate. Destiny. God's plan.

*sighs* now I'm getting all caught up in romantic thoughts and dreams. I wanna grow old with someone. I want someone to completely lose themself in me. I want to be wrapped around someone's finger. I want to cuddle. I want to laugh.

I WANT THE PERFECT MAN. He's got to be handsome, charming, funny, family oriented, but above all, he has to slow dance with me :) You know that song, "Dance with somebody?" Yes, that. That's what I want. I wanna dance with somebody. I wanna feel the heat with somebody. With somebody who loves me. He doesn't have to be a good dancer in any other sense, HELL he doesn't even have to be good at slow dancing, just as long as he does it.

Romance. Above anything else in the world, I want a storybook romance. If I could have that, I wouldn't need anything. If I had that kind of love, THATS ALL I WOULD NEED, until the end of time.

If you believe it or not, love will keep us alive. Love makes the world go around. Love endures all things. Faith, hope, and love are some good things He gave us, but above all, the greatest is LOVE.

Love you*

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Want my two cents on romance from an old woman to a young one???


Love will happen where it happens, when it happens. Can't force it to get there any faster. But I'm sure you already knew all that.

Rented RV, only because Rachel said it was funny. ;-)

My Dad's the same way as yours... LOL

Dewd, your 21 is going to soooo totally rock.

I loves you.
