Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Size matters

Someday she wants a big ol' house, sittin' on a big ol' hill. And a mile long tree lined driveway, for her big ol' Coupe deVille. Yeah, someday she wants a big ol' bank account, with too much to spend, but right now all she wants is a man.

With a big ol' heart who can love her like nobody can. Big ol' kisses that go on and on and never end. With a big ol' smile he'll fill her world with laughter...size matters.

Someday she wants a big ol' ring, with a big ol' rock that shines. And a big ol' walk-in closet, with shoes of every kind. Yeah, someday she wants a big ol' boat, she can lay around gettin' a tan, but right now all she wants is a man.

With a big ol' heart who can love her like nobody can. Big ol' kisses that go on and on and never end. With a big ol' smile he'll fill her world with laughter...size matters.

Is that song not adorable? And don't get the wrong idea, in no way shape or form am I on a manhunt right now. I've just been in a really romantic mood lately and all these cute songs keep coming on the radio. I fer sure don't need a man to be happy.

If it happens then great....if it doesn't then that's great too, I can wait :)

Anway, found this funny quote I'd care to share:

"Shit happens. Mainly to me, so don't worry."

Story of my mf'ing life.


If it's going to happen I can guarantee you, IT'LL HAPPEN TO MEEEEEE. Out of all the sensible results one could possibly get, I would receive the most OUT THERE.

For example: You know those scooter like things? *thinks of a better way to describe it* the skateboard things with handlebars? Yeah, those. So in 6th grade my friend and I were riding down a HUGE hill on those [which obviously wasn't a good decision in the first place]. Well for a moment in time I somehow forgot how to stop it so instead of using that thing in my skull called a brain, I just decided to abort the mission. Yeah, thats right, I jumped off. ON THE FUCKING HILL. It was practically a tuck and roll kind of deal. Practically? Who am I kidding, that's exactly what it was. I rolled about 5 times down the remainder of the hill. At this point all I could do was curl up in a ball and laugh. I laughed so hard no sounds were even coming out which is what turned my friend's laughter into concern. She told me she'd quit laughing if I was crying but since I couldn't speak I just rolled over and then she joined me in laughing since I obviously thought it was hysterical.

Or how about the time two people decide to knock on someone's window in the middle of the night and the window BREAKS??? Cuz that's the best case scenario.

Or the time we're sledding backwards down a hill and we run into a pole? That left a big pain literally in the ass for about 2 weeks.

But then there's that time where I decided to stick my finger into a car lighter. What a genius move that turned out to be.

And for some reason at the time I thought drinking half a bottle of Tobasco sauce for a dare wasn't really all that bad. It wasn't until I lost my voice for 3 days that I decided it was not a carefully thought through idea.

I'm really not making myself look like Einstein, am I? But it just goes to show you that I've lived one of the funniest lives. However, I am thankful to have had all this shit happen to me because I'll have great stories to tell my family when I'm older.

There's so many more I don't even have enough time or space to get into it. You just learn to laugh it all off. If you don't have a sense of humor then you might as well just give up. Life is so not worth it if you don't laugh.

Next subject: In 37 days I'll be IN Europe. Wowness. I'm expanding my travelling pants internationally! A world traveller at age 18. I'm so damn blessed and thankful. Have I ever mentioned how much I love my life? Cuz I doooooo.

*pauses* Thank you God. Thank you for everything God. Please give me the strength to continue in a positive path toward my goals. Amen.

Now back to regular programming. I was just enlightened and had to type that before I lost the feeling.

Yesterday was the most mellow I've ever been in my life. I didn't even want to get on the computer. I just curled up with a cup of coffee and stared out the window. It was so peaceful. Serene.

The mood lasted for about an hour and then it was gone. I can't really put into words how I felt except by using the word mellow. It was a nice get away from the day. Just a little hour spent in another world :)

This blog is becoming pointless so I'll wrap it up.

Love you and thanks for reading.

This sums it up just about :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This blog had me rolling, I love you. You know this.

I can't believe you just aborted the "mission". Loves it.



Totally jealous.

You probably could guess that too.

Loves you.
