Monday, June 9, 2008

Hahaha, game over

I've dealt with my ghosts and I've faced all my demons, finally content with a past I regret. I've found you find strength in your moments of weakness. For once I'm at peace with myself. I've been burdened with blame, trapped in the past for too long, I'm movin' on. I've lived in this place and I know all the faces, each one is different but they're always the same. They mean me no harm but it's time that I face it, they'll never allow me to change. But I never dreamed home would end up where I don't belong, I'm movin' on. I'm movin' on, at last I can see life has been patiently waiting for me. And I know there's no guarantees, but I'm not alone. There comes a time in everyone's life, when all you can see are the years passing by, and I have made up my mind that those days are gone. I sold what I could and packed what I couldn't, stopped to fill up on my way out of town. I've loved like I should but lived like I shouldn't, I had to lose everything to find out. Maybe forgiveness will find me somewhere down this road, I'm movin' on.

I hope the above song inspires some certain people as much as it has inspired me. This is the only song that has ever changed my life. I heard it one time, and from that point on, I knew I wanted to be a different person than I was.

Now on to the fun part....

Most of you won't know what this blog is about. Maybe only 5 people will? But that's ok with me because people were publically displaying lies just to make themselves look Heaven sent. And you know what? That's ok with me because God sees and knows everything. I have nothing to be ashamed of because all in all, I did nothing wrong. I think its super low for you to hate someone. There's never a reason to hate ANYONE. Sorry, thats just the way it is. My mom's totally right though, we bring on our own misery.

I think it's funny that you call me immature, yet you're blasting 4 people on a public blog. That makes you look mature, right? Most 25 year olds do that, right? Yeah, that's what I thought.
Never in my life have I met such a clueless and brainless individual. It's funny that everytime you commented what I said, YOU REPEATED MY PHILOSOPHIES. That doesn't make sense, and only made you look like a dumbass.

Thank you for what you said that was positive, but I can't say it was anything I didn't already know. I know me better than you THINK you do. You could right my autobiography though couldn't you?

Hypocrite. "Don't do this, don't do that. I'm not telling you how to run your life." That made perfectly good sense?

For someone that has so many degrees, you lack the common knowledge of most human beings. That might sound harsh but true.

You know what else is the truth? You were the one being played. It was all set up before hand and you had NO CLUE. In fact, the only intention of ever talking to you, was to get you to put your friends on blast. And what do ya know? You did a perfect job of that w/o my help!! Good job cupcake, you ruined your own life. When I was nice, I meant it, I never faked that, but did I want to build a relationship with you? NO, NOT EVER. What her and I have is 2 years strong, and you just think you can come in and break that? Dust yourself off and try again.

You want to blast me on a public blog? DITTO BITCH. You wanna try me? I do it 10x better.
You only made yourself look evil. None of us are, YOU ARE. Quit trying to pass the blame on someone else. You're right, karma's a bitch and its going to eat you alive sweetheart. Tell mommy and daddy I said hi. And have fun with that bad karma and with whatever you decide to do with your life. I'm glad you're not a part of mine anymore, because all you wanted to do while you were in it was destroy a perfect friendship. Sorry your mission failed. Go find someone else to pick on.

Don't plan on commenting either, my comments have to be approved and you are completely blocked from my life and if you wanna try me, I will call the police. Don't joke with me chick, you may be able to instill fear on others, but I'm not buying into your words, bitch I see right through you.


Sorry you all had to read that. This is completely out of the norm for me, but someone doesn't just put my friends and myself on blast and get away with it. I won't bite my tounge that hard, I do have a backbone and I will fight for myself. Thanks for the memories Tina, even though they weren't so great.

Hate all you want, you can't break the girl who thinks NOTHING of you.

Irresistible, is what you think you are. That's so typical. You think that you're a star. You act like everyone revolves around you. Baby you dropped the ball, and now the game is through.'Cause you tried to play both sides, you got caught up in your lies, and now you running, you're running out of time. Played yourself, or did ya, did ya think you could really find love from someone else? You're making moves, you're gonna lose. You know you played yourself, and now you're thinking, thinking you can get one by me. But you'll never win, you'll never win, try again, 'cause the game is over.But there's more, than the eye can see, you're so predictable the way you calculate each move, heads I win and tails you lose, because you don't have the right to choose.

Who are you to judge the life I live? I'm not perfect and I don't live to be. But before you go pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean :)

We all have to bring out our mean sides to stick up for the people we love and care about, including ourselves. All those who are not involved in the situation, I hope you can understand that <33

These are my pics o' the day and they're pretty self-explainatory.


Gemma said...

Im right.. Your a 30 year old trapped inside an 18 year olds body....

well done for posting the blog ;)
we've all said our bit now so i think we should put her on the back burner and let her burn there.

Loves u Rae x

Unknown said...

I love those lil things... where'd ya get em?

Hypocrite is definitely THE word.

Anyway... the TRUTH is posted on my last blog, I have nothing left to say.

I'm seriously thankful to have y'all in my life. It's hard to deal with crazy stalkers who make up insane stories alone. LOL


^^big hugs and kisses. LOL