Friday, June 6, 2008

American girls and American guys

Will always stand up and salute, we'll always recognize, when we see Old Glory flying, there's a lot of men dead, so we can sleep in peace at night when we lay down our heads.

It's too bad not EVERYONE pays their respects. That always breaks my heart, how people live here and don't even love their country enough to respect it.

*in my Flava Flav voice* Woooooooooowwwww, nothing has been going on. I mean, I've gone out every night this week, but nothing worth noting? I've worked every day this week but nothing worth typing?

Real cool. Real FRIGGEN cool :)

What do you wanna talk about??? How about the economy? And how everything is so expensive that we're all gonna be living on the streets and walking to work? How about that?

Grr. I wanna be president LOL. We have so many natural resources we could be using YET we don't. Instead, we build factories, and sky scrapers, and houses. Things that help speed up Global Warming. Not a big deal though, right? *rolls eyes*

I swear, haha. You know what else sucks? When all the radio stations go on a commercial at the same time. That's bad marketing. And I would know, I had a 101.2% in marketing class. If you're the ONLY station that doesn't go on a commercial when everyone else does, then wouldn't that mean people would practically be forced to listen to your station? DUHHH.

1+1=2 people. Its not rocket science LOL And curse me for just comparing Global Warming to the radio hahahahaha.

You know what else peeves me? That people are criticizing Obama because of his last name? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE. I've heard a handful of people literally say, "I'm not voting for Obama cuz his name is really close to Osama." Ok, people like that, don't deserve the right to vote. Only people with brains should be allowed to vote. THAT IS THE DUMBEST EXCUSE I'VE EVER HEARD IN MY LIFE. So now it's his fault that his last name is Obama? That he was born into the Obama family? Since when does your last name classify you as a terrorist?

People are dumb. Fucking DUMB. Ew it makes me mad. And we won't even go into the whole, "I'm not voting for him cuz he's black" crap. People like that shouldn't even waste their time voting because their opinion is not useful to the good of our nation.

Screw you. Vote for the best candidate, not who has the best hair. This is not a high school ballot, this is who is going to run our country. If I do recall, John McCain said he backs Bush 100%. So then you look at statistics that say Bush is the worst president in history. Yeah McCain, that's exactly who I'd back up. THE WORST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY. Even some Republicans hate him, that was a dumb move on your part old man.

And quit criticizing Hilary because of who she's married to. When Clinton went out of office, they ranked his presidency 85% positive. Wanna know how positive George Dub Yuh is??? try 27%. Yeah, that's great. Plus, who has helped in rebuilding the thousands of homes Hurricane Katrina destroyed? Um, how about Bill Clinton. Yeah Bush did go, but he didn't do anything to help. His suit must have been a rental so he couldn't get it dirty.

The best president we could of had was assassinated and the worst president we've had has put us into a recession and at war with the world.

Haha, this was the most random blog of my life. But can't you see all the negativity and stupidity that is in this world? ITS CRAZY.

I'm done. You probably don't care anyway. And if you do, you'll probably just argue with me haha, isn't that the way the cookie crumbles???

Love you*

Does anyone TRULY 100% care about the USA? :'(


Unknown said...

Ironic? Probably not since you're my fated friend but just tonight Jennifer and I were talking about the economy and gas prices.

I have faith that Obama will do what's right for the people of this country. I don't think even the people that were dumb enough to vote for Bush are happy with his lame ass lazy way of running this country.

The oil prices went up today and Jennifer said that when it's $200 a barrel that gas will be $6/gallon... I don't know about you, but I can't afford that, and I know that most of the people in this country can't afford that either.

Do you know why? Because they're raising the prices of everything, but not incresing how much they pay people... so that means I get paid $7/hr at McD and I have to pay $6/gallon for gas. PLUS pay taxes to The Man.

The only thing that's keeping me going is to know that Obama WILL do something about all of this. People will end up rioting and crime will go up, people will start stealing the things they can't afford because they make no money. The government is going to have to do SOMETHING...

or... we could always go live with Gemma. ;-)

Of course, I'm going to do my part, I'm going to buy a hybrid, and on top of all that, I'm going green. :-)

And who says Jodie is stupid?


Tina said...
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Gemma said...

i do my part, but prices of gas and what not dont affect me.. ours are going up over here to Jo sooo LOL
And im not a polotic person, i dont do polotics fullstop. Id rather be there than here right now cos our country is being ran by a sore loser,... stupid ass wipe gordan brown.. hes hated already. Bring back the Blair!
Gem xx

Anonymous said...

Ah, I had to pick the political one, didn't I? Well, I try to not be brasin about my political views, for the obvious reasons, but anyone who knows me, even a little bit, knows that I'm a Democrat. Now, if the Republican side was actually going to do something, sure, I'd vote for them. But let's face it, we haven't had a good Republican in a long time.

Gas is $4.20 here in LA, I just paid $67.25 to fill up my tank - and it wasn't even empty!

I have no doubt in my mind that eventually we're going to riot, well, not me personally, but the country as a mass.

Don't know if you know this but I am not a fan of Global Warming. ;-) I try my best to be green, short of buying a hybrid just yet. (There's just not one cool enough for me to drive.) I do my part to plant trees, I buy recycled, I recycle, I use energy efficiant lightbulbs and appliances. I think I'm doing pretty good. Sure, I could always do better, but I know it's not going to be just me who saves the world, so I'm doing my part.

I really admire your passion and the fact that you have knowledge on the things you're speaking on. I can't stand people who don't know what they're talking about and try to sound smart... *cough*

(To think I was just going to comment your blog and say "HI RACHEL!")

Anonymous said...
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