Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ain't it funny?

It seemed to be like the perfect thing for you and me. It's so ironic you're what I had pictured you to be. But there are facts in our lives we can never change, just tell me that you understand and feel the same. This perfect romance that I've created in my mind, I'd live a thousand lives, each one with you right by my side. But yet we find ourselves in a less than perfect circumstance and so it seems like we'll never have the chance.

Ain't it funny how some feelings you just can't deny, and you can't move on even though you try, ain't it strange when you're feeling things you shouldn't feel? Oh, I wish this could be real. Ain't it funny how a moment could just change your life, and you don't wanna face what's wrong or right, ain't it strange how fate can play a part in the story of your heart?

Sometimes I think that a true love can never be, I just believe that somehow it wasn't meant for me. Life can be cruel in a way that I can't explain and I don't think that I could face it all again. I barely know you but somehow I know what you're about. A deeper love I've found in you and I no longer doubt.You've touched my heart and it altered every plan I've made, and now I feel that I don't have to be afraid.

I locked away my heart but you just set it free. Emotions I felt held me back from what my life should be. I pushed you far away, and yet you stayed with me. I guess this means that you and me were meant to be?

So much for this being an everyday blog haha since I've failed numerous times on daily updating.
I have not done anything extraordinary so far this week. Kayla Michelle and I saw Get Smart on Sunday. It stormed like a bitch that night, just thought I'd throw that out there. Go see that movie. At first, I thought it was going to suck, but it didn't.

And while we're on the subject, I just read a poll in People magazine where they asked the readers who they thought was funnier, Steve Carell or Mike Myers and idk the EXACT number but it was like 91% said Steve. OUCHHHH.

Get Smart is #1 and Love Guru is #4, I just checked. OUCHHHH again. They blew LG out of the water and its not even a good movie. Sheesh, bad advertising :( Thank God Justin is the only funny part.

Moving on.

So Ash and I were talking about tripping today. Please agree with the honesty of this. Ok, so when people trip, is it just us or do they automatically do like a little jog to cover up the fact that they tripped? I've done it. She's done it. You've probably done it. You trip over something and you just do a little jog. It's like, "I think I'll just starting running now." Then you stop about 20 steps later..."Yeah that's enough running, just needed to speed up my heart rate."

LMAO. Is that not so damn true? Instead of laughing at ourselves and our carelessness, we instead try to mask our goofy mistake that in the end only makes it more obvious that in fact we DID trip.

I love life and its natural humor :)

Tomorrow is going to be excitinggggggg!!! Me, madre, and Kayla Michelle are going to a Dragons game! First one this season, so I'm pretty stoked! I love baseball games. Well, ok...I love Dragons games because they're family friendly and Dippin Dots have to be the greatest thing invented next to Justin Timberlake and David Cook.

Speaking of boys. How can one be so excited to start something with one boy but yet so royally confused and pissed with ending things with another boy? He knows all the wrong things to say to push my buttons. Sometimes I think its cute because that's his sole purpose, is to be funny and cute, but then other times I want to tell him to fuck off...GEEZE. It just makes me mad how much he acts like he cares but won't let it go any further than that? He asks about me NUMEROUS times when I'm not there, he flirts and agravates me ALL day, and then if I walk by and don't speak to him he'll yell, "Hey Whats up?" just so I'll talk to him. But does he want a relationship? NOPE. Mr Hard To Get. Its so frustrating. Even more frustrating? I'm so frustrated that I just literally up and moved on but yet he STILL thinks I want him. I've tried to make it clear w/o bluntly saying it, but he just doesn't get it. He says all the things he thinks I want to hear and he totally knows what he does. Sometimes, I fall for the charm, sometimes I don't.

But things with the other guy? 3rd time, or shall I say summer, is a charm. He's not getting away like he did the last 2 times, plus he's already proven himself w/o me having to pry it out of him *cough*

And I've been promised something by the end of let's just sit back and see if it all pans out FINALLY. Like mama said, don't force true love. So we'll see if this is once and for all "meant to be."

I'm done. Frustrated and tired haha.

Thanks for reading, love you*

Here's a man that isn't anything like the above mentioned. I'll take my heart back whenever you're willing to set it free? But better than that, just go ahead and keep it forever :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dippin' Dots are definitely up there with JT and DC. DEFINITELY.

I could eat a pound of those lil guys and still want more.

I totally think Steve Carell is waaay funnier than Mike Myers. Steve has more of a dry sense of humor and so do I. I'm not really into midget jokes and all that crap that Mike does... I mean, he's a legend in his own right and he rocked the casbah on SNL, but ehh... Austin Powers was funny and that was about it. LOL
