Thursday, November 20, 2008

Caution: Handle with care

You say you got to go and find yourself, you say that you're becoming someone else
Don't recognize the face in the mirror looking back at you

You say you're leaving as you look away, I know there's really nothing left to say
Just know I'm here whenever you need me, I will wait for you

So I let you go I set you free, and when you've seen what you need to see
When you find you, come back to me

Take your time I won't go anywhere, I picture you with the wind in your hair
I'll keep your things right where you left them, I'll be here for you

I'll let you go, I'll set your free and when you've seen what you need to see
When you find you, come back to me

I hope you find everything that you need, I'll be right here waiting to see
You find you, come back to me

I can't get close if you're not there, I can't get inside if there's no soul there
I can't face you, I can't save you, it's something you have to do


Good week/bad week haha.

Bad week because: I caught the flu :( actually called in sick at work. First time in 11 months! During class Tuesday morning I got extremely sick to my stomach and broke out in a sweat. Then I went to the mall with Ash later that night and barely got through it haha. I was thisclose to passing out in Macy's.

I slept alllllllllllllllll day Wednesday. Ok, not all day since I watched Sister Sister, Sabrina, and Full House lmao! Yeahhhhh. Grandma brought me over some sick goodies since I'm a big baby when I'm sick.

Today I had to got to school for ONE class! I had a damn math test and since Tuesday is the end of Fall Qtr I would have no time to make it up, therefore, I sucked it up and went in. Ray was like, "thanks for bringing in your germs, too!" haha whatever, I'm not failing. After class I went to grandma's :) again, with the big baby thing ;)

Butttttt I work tomorrow and Saturday so I have to suck my lip back in, grin, and bare it. OSU/MICHIGAN GAME IS SATURDAY!!!!!!! The game of all games <333 go Bucks!!!

So good week because: I BOUGHT [2] COPIES OF DAVID'S NEW ALBUM!!!! It's sensational.

Bar-ba-sol= my new favorite rock song, holy sex on a stick.
Heroes= about his family, has my heart! Love that the whole band sings on the chorus
Declaration= lovelovelove this song
Come Back To Me= his voice is to die for on this song
Kiss on the Neck= about had me on my knees begging HAHA, yummy!
Permanent= my favorite. so very personal and I've cried every time I've listened to it
I love all the others too but as of right now, those are standing out [aka stuck in my head]

Also, I bought a ticket to see him perform at the Jingle Ball in Columbus on December 11!!! It's general admission/floor only so I'm hoping if I go early enough, I'll get front row :) I'm freaking stoked to see him again. That makes 4 times in 6

That's about all I can think of atm....GO BUCKEYES!!!!! But I have no doubts...we've won, what? The past SIX years? kthanks.



Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I love you more than I can ever promise

I’d like you to see
The way you’re changing me
I walk for miles
With you on my mind
It’s easy to see
How lovely you’ve come to be
You bloom with a smile
That lights up your eyes
‘Cause I swear that you don’t know it
What you do...
I adore those lyrics. One person comes to mind every time I read them. The lyrics come from a guy named Daniel Ghattas, he added me on myspace and his music is great. He sent me a message about how he admires David Cook and it just simply made my day.

But that was like 2 weeks ago, wanna know what made my day today? Well at work Madonna and I had this little joke going and so I left her a little something on the computer last night for her to find this morning when she came in to work and well, she repaid me :)

I'm closing everything up tonight and I go to close the internet and it says "Do you want to close all tabs?" and I'm thinking, "all tabs? The only thing open was our work email?!" So I click cancel and when I go up to the tabs it's opened on David Cook's website. I immediately text Madonna and I'm like, "Excuse me ma'am, were you on David Cook's website? You have your own David, this one's mine" and she texts me back and goes, "I thought you'd like the countdown to his new CD coming out!"

Totally MADE.MY.DAY. :) I love my job. I know I say it all the time but I freaking mean it. I think the reason I like work so much is because I don't take it too serious. I take the job tasks seriously but....I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't take MYSELF that serious. I'm always joking and making remarks to make people laugh and smile. Hell, I don't even take school that serious. It's like for me, I do the work because I'm SUPPOSED to and when I receive good grades or positive feedback from my boss it justifys it all. I'm not saying that I think life is one big joke, because it certainly is not, I just feel like laughing is medicine. And if I can make people do that then my days work is done. The only thing I take serious is making others happy :)

Work is work and I love it. School is school and I love it. Life is life and I love it. But making others happy? I LIVE FOR IT.

My mom told me I need to do something different with my hair again, haha. I think I'm going to get a new cut and maybe some color. I have this big huge thing I want to do with my hair but I want to wait until spring. I adore my long hair and want to keep it through the winter. I guess that just gave away part of my hair plans ;) but I'm thinking of maybe some bangs or something and maybe dye it black or something crazy haha. Just a little funkyness to get me through the winter...purple highlights would be neat *ponders*

Once again with not taking myself too serious. Purple hair, really? Yes...really haha, don't doubt me, it only makes me work harder.

I have another paper to write. This will make 3 just this week. Does somebody smell finals coming? LOL. I have 2 for my hospitality class [one was easy peezy] I did an essay for English that I ended up hating. Idk how many times I used the backspace on that one. And this one is all about my career future. Should be pretty easy but this one is the longest out of them all. 4-6 pages I believe?

Oh and because I want to brag and because I know some of my family reads this and I haven't told them, on my first essay for English I turned in she responded with "You are one of the strongest writers in my class. Very well written." And then on this last essay she said, "Rachel, I believe you are the best writer out of all 3 of my online classes."

YAYYYYYYYYYYY. I'm gonna be a writer grandma :) my grandma thinks I should be an author and a public speaker. I've strongly considered both so don't hold your breath too long grandma, you might just get to see that happen!

So future plans as of now?
-Be an empowering public speaker [I'll pick a subject later]
-Write a book
-Travel the world
-Live happily ever after with my prince charming

THE END. xoxo<33

They look like their mama *nods*


Thursday, November 6, 2008

The vixen in me becomes an angel for you

Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks and now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out I'll be giving it my bestest
Nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon its again my turn to win some or learn some

I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours

Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love
Listen to the music of the moment people dance and sing, we're just one big family.
It's your God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love love

So I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and I laughed
I guess what I'm saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue


Wanted to clarify something real quick since I received an email about it :) Barack's middle name IS actually Steve. He was doing a radio interview a few months back and he said, "I don't understand why my name last name is always referenced with Osama. People would be surprised to learn my middle name is Steve, I'm sure my parents didn't think I'd ever run for president when they named me!"

I love him, he's hilarious. I cried like a big old baby during his speech. All the news casters are calling it one of the best presidential speeches to date. I'm telling you, when the man showed up to an event in jeans and a fleece then danced with Ellen on her show, that's when I knew he would be it. He's a real American, just like you and I. A husband and father with bigger dreams than most of us. And to clarify for all the misunderstood, he was BORN IN THE USA. Obviously, or he couldn't be president. So quit calling him MUSLIM. He is half white/half black, he was born in Utah and raised in Hawaii. Get your facts straight before you start repeating what you've heard. All of these negative comments are coming from what you've heard from one-sided newscasters or your parents. You did not receive ANY of those "claims" from his own mouth. If you don't like the results then move to Canada. You should be proud of your country for FINALLY accomplishing what it has. This never wouldn't have even been remotely possible in the 60's...look how far we've come. There's no denying this is what was meant to happen. He won with over 300 electoral votes by 10pm, while the other had 162 [if I remember that number right]. He turned over Ohio [republican] he turned over Florida [republican] and he turned over Indiana. Quick fact: INDIANA HASN'T NOMINATED A DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT SINCE THE 1960's. Thank you...those are facts that I took time to learn, not something I heard from the news, from my parents or any one else. They came from HIS mouth and from there I formed my opinions.

Very pleased with the turn out of voters, however. You should NEVER take the right to vote for granted. Do you realize how many men and women, white and black, young and old DIED for you and I to have that right? People were murdered, hung, and fought in wars for us to be able to do such a simple act as punching a button or writing down a name. It's one of the only rights we freely still possess and to think that at one point in time only rich white men could vote. Once again, look how far we've come! AMEN.

On to other things. I was driving home from work, listening to the radio and they were having people call in and tell them why they thought the whole Britney/Christina thing has always been such a big deal. I absolutely cheered when this girl called in with her response. She goes, "the difference is that Britney has skill and Christina has talent. Skill is something you can acquire with years of experience but you are born with talent. Britney is an act and Christina is a musician." The DJ then asked about their careers in the future and she goes, "people aren't going to want to see a half naked 45 year old Britney dancing around on the stage but they will want to see Christina in a beautiful gown singing at the Grammy's." The DJ said, "you've just summed up what I've been trying to say for years." Then he proceeded to play Christina. I almost peed I was so excited. Perfect perfect conclusion :)

Haha...I just opened my browser and it says, "15 year old mogul. More talented than Paris"
...well that doesn't take much effort. LMFAO. Shit, what a dumb thing to say. Is there another Paris that actually has talent that maybe they were referencing? Because it surely wasn't Paris Hilton. She is lack thereof, big time.

On top of everything, I just have completely fallen head over heels. If David Cook gets any better at life I don't know what I'll do. He's the one of all ones. I don't ever feel the need to explain why I feel the way I do. Some feelings are just...indescribable. That's a good enough word ;) I just love him more than anyone realizes, and that's all that ever has and ever will matter. You don't need any sort of confirmation further than that.

I am definitely dreading work tomorrow....68 patients and a meeting over adjusting my hours. HOLY F. *cries* Oh well, I'm off school till next Thursday so I won't even begin complaining. Plus, having 3 A's and a B are no reasons to complain! YAY FOR COLLEGE!

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Believe in the change


And I will proudly say that my vote was counted and like AI, I helped choose the WINNER!!!!!

I'm sooo going to cry when he gives his speech. I'm very anxious for it to come on [please hurry, my leg is bouncing like crazy!] Its incredibly depressing that his grandma couldn't celebrate this happy moment with him :'( is goooooood. I totally wanted to blog about something yesterday and now I forget what it is :( no new changes really. I signed up for my classes for Winter Qtr.

I think now that I know Obama won, I've lost all coherent thought. Plus I haven't eaten since 2pm this afternoon...and its almost midnight :-O

I'll blog whenever. I have some lyrics I wanna post of this guy's song. He added me on myspace and is so awesome possum. His one song is like loveeeeeeee, I'm totally gonna download it ;)

PEACE, LOVE, HAPPINESS, AND THE CHANGE WE DESERVE [and have waited 8 painful years for]

January 20 will mark the end of an error! AMEN

Saturday, November 1, 2008

I'm right right, and you're wrong left

Has our conscience shown? Has the sweet breeze blown? Has all the kindness gone?
Hope still lingers on.
I drink myself of newfound pity, sitting alone in New York City and I don't know why.

Are we listening, to hymns of offering?
Have we eyes to see, that love is gathering?
All the words that I've been reading
Have now started the act of bleeding into one.

So I walk up on high and I step to the edge
To see my world below.
And I laugh at myself as the tears roll down.
'Cause it's the world I know. It's the world I know.

So yay for Halloween!!!! It's my 3rd favorite holiday. 1=my bday 2=Christmas [as if you couldnt assume]

Yesterday we all dressed up at work. Tami was a pirate, Madonna was a witch, and I was a cowgirl since my actual costume isn't work appropriate *gasps* we all went out to lunch and got some typical stares haha, but we weren't the only ones dressed up which was even funnier! After lunch Tami and I went to Caribou and had coffee, it was so yum, practically as good if not better than Starbucks *gasps again*

Last night after work [and I after I changed haha] I went out to dinner with Akemi. She's one of my new bffs. Her and Mary Alice are 2 of the coolest chicks I've meet in college. I love Delequan too, he's awesome possum and so friggen smart! Anywho, we went to Chipotle, haha yummy. Then we walked around Wal-Mart because there was nothing else to do. I love that girl, she really opened up to me last night. Last week she got me a birthday present and wrote me the nicest card EVAR, for someone I just met, she's already affected me. Anyhow, she's from Tawaiian and has only lived in the US for 3 years. She's the only one living here from her family. I can't imagine what that must feel like, to be in a new country all by yourself. I'm going to show her around though! We have plans to go to NYC and LA since she really wants to go to both. I think she wanted to go to Chicago too, or some other town that I forget.

Mary Alice is hilarious. All we do is draw funny cartoons and tell jokes. She's super smart too so it's nice to have an intelluctual conversation with her. Delequan is just as smart. He actually appreciates some of the same things I do, which surprised me, so him and I have great conversations as well!

There's just so many awesome people in my classes. I love Crystal, Tammy, Early, Clint, Heather, Christa, Laura, and oh my professors as well! :) Derek and Tonya are the best teachers everrrrrrr and I can't wait to have classes with them again.

Trick or treat waas great, so many cute kids! Tonight is going to be amazing. Going to a costume party/contest with Kayla, Akemi, Michael, and maybe Mary Alice. I CAN'T WAIT TO DRESS UP AND DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY!!!!!!! I love this weekend :)

I think that's all for now...I should come baring pictures tomorrow or Monday, depending. GOOD LUCK COOKIE BABY ON SNL! REMEMBER TO TIE YOUR SHOES! :)

David Cook on performing- "I’m going to make sure my shoelaces are tied so I don’t trip and fall on the floor! I'm really nervous."

Give me something worth living for: