Sunday, August 10, 2008

Private dedication

Listen, to the song here in my heart, a melody I've start, but can't complete. Listen, to the sound from deep within. It's only beginning, to find release. Oh, the time has come for my dreams to be heard, they will not be pushed aside and turned into your own all cause you won't listen....

Listen, I am alone at a crossroads. I'm not at home, in my own home, and I tried and tried to say whats on my mind, you should have known. Oh, now I'm done believin you, you don't know what I'm feelin. I'm more than what you made of me. I followed the voice you gave to me but now I gotta find, my own.

Those are some powerful lyrics for me and a powerful song. I actually think Beyonce sings that song better than any of her own! I'm just not her biggest fan, but she was sensational in Dreamgirls.

So I haven't blogged since I got home! It's been a whirlwind. I've just been hanging out. Grandpa was in [is now out] the hospital for congestive heart failure. He's doing super good now. I hope he keeps this up, I like this positive direction :)

Mom's back's been hurting her like a son of a gun. I hope it gets better. She has a bent vertebrae. Doesn't sound like any fun at all!

Her choir sang at the Ohio State Fair this weekend. That was a lot of fun. Nana went with us :) we got to see all the animals and eat all the yummy food and see some good performances! My dad also managed to make 2 sexual innuendos all within about 15 mins of eachother. Can't take him no where haha.

So David Cook got a new tat. It's an eye with a white tear. That sparked a tattoo conversation. I have 7 more that I want. And that's as of right now. I know the more I get the more I'll want. All I know is that it'll have to be an even amount of tattoos cuz I have OCD with numbers...its a long story so yeah.

I want a bunch of little tattoos instead of like a couple of big ones. In fact, the one on my back will probably be the biggest one I ever get. Also, I'm not really into piercings but I would get my lip pierced. Do you like piercings? I can handle tat pain but not piercing pain. They say most people would choose one over the other. Would you choose tats or rings? Lol

I've literally been online with Jodie since like 2pm today. So if my room and bathroom don't get cleaned then its Jodie's fault and she'll just have to look at it and suffer haha. She'll be right here *pats bed* on Wednesday!!! Is it just me or is time flying? It feels like YESTERDAY we were just talking about it and now she's actually gonna be here. So weird.

I can't believe only a month til I start college. My friends are already starting to leave :( how depressing!!! I can't believe it's happening. We're all finally going our seperate ways! But on the same token, its about time. It feels like we've waited forver for this time to come!!

I'm gonna stop before I get sentimental. Tomorrow brings lots of cleaning and laundry. Ttyl, love you and thanks for reading!!

Winston and I tonight, he just looks friggen THRILLED:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you look SO adorable tonight! :-) we coulda done cams. ;-)

I can't believe you're starting college!!! DUDE, I totally forgot about it since I've just been so wrapped up in coming to see you... :-( wow... Don't go! Stay! :-)

Yeah, yeah, everything's my fault... well I don't care if it's dirty or clean or what! HA! I'm happy we got to chat all day... do the same tomorrow?!?!? PLEASE?!
