Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Then what's the use in dreaming?

When I was a little girl, I swore that I would change the world when I grew up. Nothing else would be enough. I see it every day, we settle for sane, and lose ourselves along the way. But if you don't dream big, what's the use in dreaming? If you don't have faith, there's nothing worth believing. It takes one hope to make the stars worth reaching for, so reach out for something more.

How's ya'll doin?? I'm pretty......alright. Alright, that's all. Could be better but could be worse :)

Tonight was a wonderful summer night. *sings: ohhhh those summer niiiiiighttttsssss* hung out with Sparky and Bradley. We went to Starbucks :) then spent the evening sitting on her deck listening to music and showing eachother card tricks. Simple night but fun nonetheless.

I bought my hair dye yesterday. *sighs* wanna hear the wonderful process to re-do my hair? sheesh, deep breath haha....I'm going to have to soap cap it first. That's when you mix hair dye with shampoo. I'm soap capping it my hair color and hoping that the now highlights will grab onto enough of the color to disappear. Thennnnnn I'm gonna pull it through the cap and white it out. Not bleach it, but dye it light blonde. Bleach ruins your hair so gross no to that. THENNN FINALLY gonna highlight it. It's like a burgundy? Light plum? idk how to describe it. Just know that the whole process is gonna be a pain in the rear but it'll hopefully end up the way I ACTUALLY want it.

Oh and yay me, we went to Best Buy to get my camera a memory card and while there I bought 4 DVD's. Billy Madison :) Big Daddy :) Dead Poet's Society :) anddddd ENCHANTED :):):):) Have you seen Enchanted? It's friggen adorable, I simply loveeeeee it. Actually, all of those movies are awesome possum so if you haven't already seen them, I'd suggest investing your time and money into them...well worth it, promise!!!

This is my random rant, which btw, I have not done in a whiles!!!

Do you believe in fate?

Maybe not as much as I do. I truly 100% believe every single person walks in and out of your life for a reason. God put them there for SOMETHING. Whatever purpose they may serve, but they are a part of your life for a reason. Fate is uncontrollable in every sense of the word. Why are you best friends with your best friend? Did you just bump into eachother on the playground and tell them they were pretty and you've been friends since? Or did something else put you together? Fate obviously played a part or you wouldn't still be friends after so long, right? What about relationships? Every relationship I've been in, I've learned something from it. What to do next time or what NOT to do next time. So that must mean that every person I've been involved with has been put in my life to teach me a lesson. Same with friends too, they stab you in the back, ignore you, hurt you, make you laugh, calm your nerves, see right through you, all to teach you something.

You get stabbed in the back so you build a wall. They make you laugh on the worst day of your life so then the wall comes down and you always run to them for a laugh. Make sense? Every person that's ever been involved with your life has left an imprint, either positive or negative. My friends and family have shaped me into the person I am today and I believe it with all my heart. I echo every philosophy I've been taught; and the ones I've taught myself, I pass onto others.

It's just weird when all the signs point to the same person. Just like the song, "Every long lost dream, led me to where you are, others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars, pointing me on my way, into your loving arms, this much I know is true, God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you." How can everything revolve around one person who doesn't even know you exist? Everything in life you've dreamed of, every lesson you've learned, is playing out in front of you but yet you can't touch it, you can't have it EVEN THOUGH IT'S RIGHT THERE.

Do you consider that fate? Do you even understand what I just typed? LMAO. If it's meant to be it'll happen no matter what. Your career, your friendships, your love life; your LIFE. Whatever is meant to be will always find a way and there's no way to FORCE fate. Some greater force brings us together in the end. Whatever is perfect for us will somehow be brought together.

I believe it....doesn't mean you have to. Thanks for reading that long ass blog, love you*

Sicily. [[10 days]]


dianelev said...

I want to see a picture of your hair now! :)

Anonymous said...

I believe in fate. I believe you are fated to be my fated friend, you're fated to have walked where you have walked and fated to NOT walk where you haven't... if that makes sense... I believe you are fated to have some people leave your life... and fated for others to come into when fate is ready for that...


Catch all that, Miss Prater? Leave?? and then come into??? Get it?

I'm sure you do.

I believe your life will be amazing. I better be there for the ride.

If you don't dream big, what's the use in dreaming?
