Sunday, July 20, 2008

Do I hear me singing?

So was today not the highlight of my life or what?!!!!!

Drove 90 miles to meet this seasons Top Ten American Idols and we ended up meeting 3/4 of them!!!! 7 to be exact.

I'll try and add as many details as possible about all our encounters.

Kristy Lee came through first. I wasn't really impressed. She's VERY pretty but when Kayla asked for a picture with her she snapped, "I can't do pictures just take a pic while I'm signing autographs." I realize she was pressed for time, but I think it could've been worded a tad different. I did tell her congratulations and she said like the nicest THANK YOU ever :)

Syesha came next. She was sweet, signed and took pics with people. She wasn't very talkative or interactive but she wasn't rude or mean. Just quiet!

Omg Ramielle is precious. I just love her to death. She wasn't one of my favorites but she's a doll in person. I'd totally chill with her. She was all bouncy and giddy and was taking pics and signing for anyone and everyone that asked! She just made me happy. Not to mention she's so damn little, I just wanted to hug her!

Brooke was by far the nicest girl out of everyone and I knew she would be. She was very talkative with the fans. We asked her if Carly was alright since we saw her get off the bus limping and she told us that she hurt herself the night before but that she was still gonna perform. She said she'd tell her that we asked about her.

Poor Archie. He was being RUSHED. He came through and signed autographs for everyone and apologized 3500 times for not being able to do personal pics. He was so nice. He gave me a high five on his way by the 2nd time. His smile makes me melt!!

>>side note, Brooke told us that the reason some of them were rushing was because they were filming a breast cancer commercial.

Then Cookie came....I was so ecstatic I can't even describe. When Ramielle was on her way out David asked if he could wear her sunglasses and she let him, it was so cute!!! It took him forevs to come see us because he gave EVERY SINGLE FAN their own personal time. That right there is the reason he won. He was right there interacting with the people who put him in the position he's in. I don't think I could respect someone more than I do him. So he finally came over and he gave me a hug and we took a picture. I had him sign my Analog Heart cd and then I gave him his gift. He was sooooo adorable. He was like "what's this?!" and he looked in the bag and I told him it was an OSU shirt and a book of crosswords. He was like, "now I have an OU shirt and an OSU shirt." Then I pointed out to him that the bag had baseball teams all over it and he looks at it and goes, "nuh-uh?!" and then I pointed out the KC Royals on the bag and he goes, "That is sweeeeet!"

Then this stupid reporter cut between me and Kayla and like threw a recorder in his face and was like, "David, tell me what you think of this crowd of fans." And David just looked at me all confsued and he goes "uh hi, I'm david, who are you?" and he explained that he was a reporter from a radio station and he was like "I just need 10 seconds of your time, what do you think of all these fans out here to see you?" and David goes, "I'll give you 3 seconds, it's awesome." Gosh that reporter pissed me off, how rude is that to just cut between fans and throw a recorder in someone's face?! David handled it very well but you could tell he was upset, and for good reason.

Then he walked over to the people next to us and AS SOON AS THEY GOT READY TO TAKE THE PICTURE I remembered I wanted to congratulate him about Adam's news. And so I yelled, "DAVID" w/o even realizing he was taking a pic [I felt like an asshole too] and he turns to look at me and goes, "what?" and then he was like, "oh I just looked away didn't I?" and I apologized and was like my bad and he was like, "it's ok we can take another." and so they did and then he looked and me and was like, "what?" and I was like "I just wanted to say congratualtions on everything with Adam." and he looked me DEAD in the eye and gave me the nicestttttttt thank you anyone has ever said. He just looked me in the eye and said it really slow like he 100% meant it. It was a great moment. Then some people had their dog there and he bent down to pet the dog and he stuck his butt like right up in the air in our direction and Kayla took a pic and goes, "I got a pic of THAT" and she moved back and so he thought I said it and he jumped to turn the other way while at the same time he yelled "HEY!" and I was like, "well you asked for it!" and he goes, "yeah that was my fault" and he laughed :)

Then after he got through everyone he ran by and slapped everyone's hand. He was so genuine. I swooned even more. Even though he was a sweetie, I still think something was bothering him. He just seemed to have something on the back of his mind...I hope everything's alright :(

Jason came by last. Let's just make it a point that I thought he was cute on the show but my goodness he is GOOD LOOKING in person. The pic I have of him does him no justice at all. His eyes about did me in. He looked RIGHT at me. He hugged me before we took a pic too and I didn't even ask for one, it was sooooooo sweet! He was awesome. And the people behind us were playing his AI performances and after I took the pic he leaned over in my ear and goes, "Do I hear me singing?" I cracked up and so did he and I was like "yes you do." The girls next to us were die hard Jason fans and when he heard the song that was playing he started singing to them and I just thought that was amazing because they were totally there for him and I know it meant more to them than he will ever realize.

Micheal, Chikeze, and Carly didn't make it out. But the people we met were awesome possum. Brooke, Cook, and Jason were by far the nicest. I love them even more now than I did before.

I hope I remembered everything and thanks for reading such a boring blog!! LOVE YOU

Kayla waiting for the buses:

There were SOOOOO many people there:

Kristy Lee:

Their buses:

Gross of me but Brooke was awesome:

Archie signing for me!!!:

Oh he comes:

Ramielle and I:



Here's another, only because you can see his tat:

What a sensational human:

JASON!!!! Look at those eyes that kill:

He came back over to talk to this guy right in front of us, I still don't understand it. I was talking about him too while he was standing there and he totally looked up at me when I said his name:



1 comment:

Unknown said...

I heart your pics so damn much. :-) I wanna lick DCs tat... Sorry, can't help it. LOL

I showed them to Jenn, ofc, and she agreed with me that y'all look like a vacationing couple. :-)

I love you and your sex hair.
