Sunday, July 6, 2008

Say hello to the girl that I am

You gonna have to see through my perspective, I need to make mistakes just to learn who I am, and I don't wanna be so damn protected. There must be another way, cause I believe in taking chances, but who am I to say, what a girl is to do? God I need some answers.


I'm offically a college student. Need to re-read it? Cuz I need to re-say it:

I'm officially a college student.

Ok, that seems a little more real? I took all my tests and registered for classes. I only have school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Cool beans. Awesome possum. Word bird.

Stoked. I'm already loving college and I haven't even started!!! Woooo

Happy late 4th of July, yes?

So my 4th was amazinggggg and I hope yours was as well!!!

Thursday I went with my sister and her best friend to downtown Columbus for their big celebration. It was a friggen blast. And for reasons I can't explain :) The fireworks were phenomenal!!! Wayy way better than last year.

Friday my sister and I ended up meeting up with my parents at this other party and watched fireworks with them. They were ALSO amazing. The fireworks were good everywhere this year for some reason? Hmm.

Then yesterday I went to the mall with my sister, we drove back here, and I ended up at Barb's house with Ashley and Dairy Queen.

But yeah. This whole weekend rocked my face. Like I said, for reasons I can't explain since I'm unsure as to who all reads this blog :-D if you wanna get personal you can always askkkkk.

Sorry this is so short, especially since I haven't updated in a while but I have new student orientation tomorrow at the ass crack of dawn therefore I need to go to bed....I might kill my cat while I'm at it cuz he seems to be wrestling with my hair tie....if he rips it I'll...

damn it. haha. He's dead. Thanks for reading, love you*

My sister's best friend took this one:

There was a group of people giving away:

My sister and I :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you and your sissy are way cute there. :-) She looks like trouble. ;-) LOL

heyyyyyy, which classes are you enrolled in?

How long will it take you to graduate?

LA in 3 years... remember. ;-)
