Friday, July 11, 2008

One step at a time

Hurry up and wait. So close, but so far away. Everything that you’ve always dreamed of, close enough for you to taste, but you just can’t touch.
You wanna show the world, but no one knows your name yet. Wonder when and where and how you’re gonna make it. You know you can if you get the chance.
In your face as the door keeps slamming. Now you’re feeling more and more frustrated, and you’re getting all kind of impatient waiting.

We live and we learn to take, one step at a time. There’s no need to rush. It’s like learning to fly, or falling in love. It’s gonna happen and it’s supposed to happen that we find the reasons why, one step at a time.
You believe and you doubt. You’re confused, you got it all figured out. Everything that you always wished for could be yours, should be yours, would be yours if they only knew.


Has it really been since Sunday that I've blogged? Where did the week go? HELLO.

Anywho. Still not much going on. Just livin and lovin, you know how the story goes :)

Well...ok, not so much. I'm lieing a little. I've got a lot on my plate for the future, just not right now, haha.

2 weeks til Europe. Someone smack me...yesterday it was 3 months. WTFFFFFF. I am so incredibly excited and damn nervous at the same time. What's to be nervous about? It's friggen VACATION?! Hm. 15 hour flight. Foreign countries, languages, food, and people. Being a million miles from home with no communication. And how the hell I'm going to pack "lightly."

There's more nervousness than meets the eye. However, do not get me wrong. I'M FUCKING ECSTATIC. Andddddddd its a once in a lifetime opportunity that I'll be experiencing at a young age. *squeals like a school girl* I'm so anxious! Anxious. that's a great word. Should've used it in the beginning.

Oh and Jodie, they have computers on the ship. I'll have to pay for it but I'll hopefully be able to pass an email every once and a while :)

Speaking of which, Jodie's coming to see me!!! In like, 32 days or something. I'm too lazy to count right now haha. It doesn't matter though cuz she's coming. Who cares the number of days, SHE'S COMING. The ticket has been bought and the plans have been made. Official is always a good word when it comes to things like this. It's OFFICIAL. She will be in OhiO to see meeeeee. ME ME ME ME ME ME. haha I'm ecstatic for that as well :) [obviously]

Wanna hear my master plan? MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That was supposed to be my evil laugh *rolls eyes* Aiight. So ya'll know I got seats *coughfloorcough* to the American Idol tour, right? I mentioned that a long time ago, right? Well whatever, I do and its in Cincy. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. They're going to be in Columbus 3 days before Cincy. Therefore, I have devised a plan. I hope thats the word I wanted...its late cut me some slack....I do not have tickets to the Columbus show, just FYI, but I'm going to drive up early that day and go to the arena to HOPEFULLY *crosses fingers* get to meet the idols between rehearsals. So far, A LOT of people have gotten to meet em' and they've been more than willing to chill with the fans for a few. Oh how awesome, they're half famous but half real haha.

What would be a better way to start my vacation than to meet David Cook? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that'd be the topper to a perfect summer.
It would be.
Fer sure.

July 20 & 23= American Idol tour
July 25-August 3= Europe
August 13-17= Jodie
August 23-September 6= Phoenix & Daytona
September 9- Start college!!

Yessir. I love my summer calendar. I'm just going to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. Thank you God for all your blessings.

:) I used a lot of smilies in this one.

I love MY life. And I hope you love yours just as much. It's a truly beautiful gift that you only get one chance to perfect.
Don't fuck it up :-P

Here's some pics from last night. Spent it with my better half and Bradley. Hilarious to say the least.

This was at like 2am so give us a break :)

I love this one of her cuz she's adorable

PS- ANYONE NOTICE THAT MY HIGHLIGHTS DISAPPEARED? Yes. I'm pissed off. Fork out hard earned money just to have them vanish in less than a month. Crazy. On the flip side, my aunt agreed to re-do them for me. Should've gone to her in the first place *rolls eyes* she'll fix me up :)

k love you, thanks for reading!!!


Anonymous said...

Duuuuuuude!!! AWESOME BLOGGGGG!!! I loves it. :-)

Those pics are too freaking adorable and your hair looks fucking great in the first one, I loves.

THIS time when I come over we're going to take a shit load of random meaningless photos. I can't wait. It's gonna be stellar.

I love your AI plan. And wow, to see your calendar all filled up like that, crazyyyyy... I can't believe how much you have going on!!!! WOW!

Crazy crazy... and 2 weeks?!?! HOLY FUCK. You must be jumping outta your skin. Loves you.


Anonymous said...

Ohhhh, PS -- Cookie Monter, love your icon. ;-)
