Saturday, March 7, 2009

Let's go back...back to the beginning

^^photos :)


Morgantown, WV.

I couldn't have created a better weekend than this one. We drove a little over halfway Thursday night and stayed in a small, old "Friday the 13th" style town. We ended up leaving the hotel to go find some food and drinks and we somehow crossed the state border 4 times. We drove into West Virginia, found our way back to Ohio, got lost and ended up back in West Virginia, only to turn around in a BK parking lot to get back in Ohio. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard haha.

"Over the cliff and through the woods..." rofl, only 3 others will understand.

The next day we drove on into Morgantown. Of course we FREAKED OUT because it took us through Pennsylvania to get there haha. We went Ohio to West Virginia to Pennsylvania back to West Virginia. Twas HILARIOUS! We drove to the campus and got lost [rofl] so we decided to go to our hotel instead. NICE FRIGGEN PLACE, wow. Then we went back to the venue. When we arrived the guys all got out to walk in to the venue. A few minutes later David came back out and was helping unload equipment. It was awesome to see him helping everyone unload his stuff. After the guys left we went inside to hold our spots. The university was SOOOO nice and the people there were as well. We made friends with everyone around us in line and so whenever anyone wanted to leave to walk around or eat we were guaranteed our spot, which was very nice.

I'd like to break really quickly to say that David has some of the NICEST fans. We talked to everyone around us in line, everyone around us at the show, then everyone around us after the show. I met some great women that are gonna be a blast in VB! I can't believe how many people are going, it'll be epic! Anywho, these fans are awesome. Everyone we came in contact with was a blast :)

So after waiting for 7 hours they let us inside!! Fast foward through all the hoopla and its time for Ryan. Let me just start by saying I love this man. After hanging out with him and his band in Portsmouth I just can't get enough of his personality. He is the most perverted, fun, and sweet guy EVER. A lot of women would call that perfect since his looks just add more to the package. He blew me away again! I made it a point to download as many songs of his as I could before so I could sing along with him at the show. I hope he noticed the effort ;)

Then David came out :) [ofc] Where do I even begin? He was in an AWESOME mood, in fact everyone was, including Ryan. Joey was ALL over the stage, Andy came over and sang in the middle of the stage with Neal, David gave all 4 guys a hug, Neal, Andy, and Joey all played guitar in a circle together, Neal played the guitar behind his back, David and Neal both stood on the speakers to play guitar, David made Neal play 2 small solos then they turned right around and had a small competition :) TWAS EPIC. Natalie made a sign that said "I'm a teacher and I'm hot for you" and he totally read it out loud. We could see the set list from where we were and out of the blue David goes, "Well I know I have at least 1 teacher here so" AND THEY PLAYED HOT FOR TEACHER BECAUSE OF NAT'S SIGN! We were all ecstatic and he smiled at her during the song when she held the sign back up. By the way, that was the sexiest performance I've EVER seen in my life *fans self*. He also sang Straight Ahead which was NOT on the set list. I was elated because Nat went to hear H4T and I went to hear SA and he those were the 2 songs he played that weren't on the set list. It was seriously our night!

After the show we all went out by the bus and there were soooooooooo many people that I was 100% sure we weren't gonna get lucky. I no sooner got the words out of my mouth and here comes Kyle and Andy. We were standing on the top of a hill and I was like "They're not gonna climb up here to see us" and Nat goes, "That's funny you say that because here comes Kyle!" ROFL. We briefly talked to them, Kyle more than anything because Andy was making sure he saw as many fans as possible. We gave them their gift we bought :) which seemed to please them. Joey was excited when he came over and we told him about it haha, he's always so sweet. Then...the moment I waited for in Valpo and Portsmouth AND DID NOT GET...David walks over. We got him a present and the only bag I had was a Victoria's Secret bag [haha] so I put his gifts in there. HIS FACE WAS PRICELESS WHEN I GAVE IT TO HIM. I was like "I swear it's not what you think it is" and he goes, "Mhhmmm" and smiled. Then I said, "Can I please have a hug?" and he goes, "Well absolutely!" So we hugged and he ran his hand up and down my back :) then when we pulled apart I said, "Seriously, best show yet" and he WINKED AT ME. I don't remember what he said to me at that point because all thought immediately fled from my brain.

I love that man. He went through and shook hands/hugged/signed autographs for EVERYONE OUTSIDE. I'll never understand how one human can be so kind, grateful, and amazing with so many strangers. He's seriously an angel and I respect him beyond belief.We also had a gift for inside joke from the previous we get his attention and he comes over. It was epic. Ryan personally asked us not to post vids/pics nor talk about the conversation we had. I love him, can I say that enough? He gained at least 5 new fans between my friends and I and I absolutely cannot wait to see him again. He gave us a personal invite last weekend to a show but unfortunately we cannot go :( I said, "You'll do great and it'll be awesome" and he goes, "It'd be awesome if you guys were there though" :( don't break my heart Ryan! Andy walked up while we were with Ryan hahaha, their interaction was wayyyyy too funny.

Neal was also out, I didn't personally speak with him but as a group we all listened to him tell stories. His dad was there for the show and so he was in an awesome mood. David, Ryan, Kyle, and Andy all said this was the best show to date. And it was. Trust me.

Perfect almost seems pointless...there are no words in the dictionary that would describe this weekend. It was the most EPIC ending to an amazing tour marathon. I can't wait to see everyone again in May! Until then...


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