Saturday, January 31, 2009

Truth be told I miss you

Truth be told, I'm lieing
When you see my face I hope it gives you hell
When you walk my way I hope it gives you hell

That song is so smart ass. I love it, just like me!

Hello blog and blog readers, has been a little bit hasn't it? And what better day to write other than Mr. Justin Timberlake's 28th birthday! Just so he knows, he isn't allowed to turn 28. I remember when he was 19!! Now I'm 19...go back to being 19 Justin :) that way I can say I caught up haha. I still love him even though he's never topic of discussion anymore. Once a fan always a fan...and he's just a sensational human being aside from being a genius in the musical industry. There always will be a place in my heart for Mr. Timberlake <33

On to other things...this has been a whirlwind of a month. In fact, so much that I can't believe it didn't go faster than it did.

I'm going to 4 David Cook shows. Something is wrong with me. I know this mom, so thank you :) haha. I'm more excited for 2 of them though because I have met some absolutely wonderful women online that I'm finally going to get to meet in person. I'm elated!!!

I've talked on the phone more in the past 2 weeks than I have in my entire life combined. Cara has seriously become a best friend, and we haven't even met. I've been talking to her for at least 8 months on the David forums and she has become more than a fellow fan, she has become someone who I can turn to and someone who listens to me and agrees with me! I talked to her for 4 hours on the phone the other you know how long it's been since that's happened? Last Sunday I talked to her on messenger ALL DAY.

Sometimes you just need a stranger to walk into your life and let you know its all going to be alright. Everything works out in the end.

Tami and Carla are amazing as well. Tami is just as crazy as I am and I love laughing at our crazy made up antics that could put us in jail if we actually attempted them. She's a breath of fresh air in my boring day. On top of it all she's 34! She treats me like a grown up and for this I'll forever be grateful.

Carla as well. She's a mother of 3 kids, and she just recently told me she's old enough to be my mom. I don't believe her...she can't be 37!! She's so much fun to talk to and her kids and husband are great, I hope she knows this ;)

I've been told more in the past week that I HAVE TO BE older than 19 than I've ever been told. I appreciate people who appreciate and understand my mature nature. I love being able to hold myself in adult situations. It's nice to know that my advice is important to 2 women in their 30's.

Is it May yet? *sigh*

So school is great...I'm not a big fan of having to go 4 days a week but at the same time I love all my classes, professors, and classmates. I feel like this is definitely going to work out for me. This career has never felt more right than it does at the moment and NYC has never sounded like a better plan that it currently is.

I feel like so much has happened since last time. I don't even know what you know anymore blog :( I've decided to be a travel writer for a travel magazine. When I started school I just knew that I wanted to be in the industry. Everyone always asked me, "So you want to be a travel agent?" And my answer, "Well, I don't know really."

It took a lot of convincing and soul searching to decide what I wanted to do. It amazes me how things just fall into your lap. Oh wait...that's called fate...back when I decided to move to NYC I couldn't explain myself I just always said, "I need to. I feel compelled to. I was enlightened." Well after a few talks with my family and they agreed with my plan, I decided to be a travel writer. Then one of the patients at work came in and we got to talking. Turns out she lived in NYC for 42 years...she told me anything and everything I need to know about NY [a lot of work didn't get done that day, oops]. Next time she came in we started talking about school and careers and I told her what I wanted to do...what do you know? Her best friend that she roomed with in NYC is a freaking travel writer for a travel magazine. ARE YOU SERIOUS? That right there is proof of fate and God working his way into your every day life.

That's not all...when I went to see David last month in Columbus I ended up meeting a girl from Orlando there named Kelly. She's absolutely hilarious, just thought I would put that out there and I also enjoy talking to her beyond belief. Anyhow, we're sitting at this bar and we're going around the table talking about work and school and all this stuff and she starts saying places she's been to. I go, "Are you in the travel industry?" She says, "Yes, I'm a travel writer. I'm editor of a travel magazine in Orlando."

WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! I almost died...things like this scare

I tell her that that's actually the exact career I want and so she gives me her business card and tells me if I need any help to contact her.

I can't believe it. Within 2 months my entire reasoning behind NYC and my career choice has been explained to me. Is it normal for this to just happen to average joes and girls next door like myself?

To top it all of Beth and I have agreed on being roomates in NY. I've known her since 1st grade and I probably hang out with her more than anyone just makes sense. We're out of our minds though...we went and got actual paint samples LMAO also, we've decided on decorations for EVERY room of our apartment. Most of the things are at Target...some at Wal-Mart. I mean seriously...haha. Oh and we also have 3 options of apartments. I don't want to really say anything about them because as soon as you talk about good things, they fall apart. Hmmph. I'm stoked...I've totally turned her into a David fan, too hahahaha. I have a bad effect on people ;)

Well..I've already written too much. January started off on a nervous note but now it's all coming together. 2009 is going to be great. If I can help it, it'll be just as good as 2008...minus the Europe part :( I've been reminicing more and more about my Europe trip and I realize at the moment how much I sincerely miss it. The most perfect 7 days of my life. Take me back...!

Faith. Hope. Love.

Love endures all...
